Wargomerrin News - Year 7

email:   wargomerrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Upcoming Events:

Parent teacher conferencesWednesday 5th April 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 6th April 10.00 am to 1.00 pm NO FORMAL CLASSES
Student Free Day Monday 24th April
Public HolidayTuesday 25th April
Students returnWednesday 26th April 
Year 7 ImmunisationsFriday 28th April


7D and Ms Sheather and Basil
7D and Ms Sheather and Basil

Hello. We are 7D!


My name is Jo Sheather and I teach 7D in English and Maths, which gives me the lucky privilege of seeing these awesome people 10 times a week. If you visit our classroom you’ll see our V.I.P. wall – photos and writing about our Very Important Pets. We are animal lovers in 7D! Lucky for Basil – he gets plenty of scratches.


Ms Sheather and 7D
Darkoda & Aleisha 7D
Chloe and Chloe 7D
Ms Sheather and 7D
Darkoda & Aleisha 7D
Chloe and Chloe 7D


Settling into Secondary College is a big deal, and 7D have been doing a great job. There is so much to learn - new systems, new processes, new learning and most importantly of all new friends and connections. 7D have managed to work together as a team quite well. I am looking forward to seeing how they progress with this throughout the year.

Ethan and 7D class mates
Finn and Caleb 7D
Zachariah 7D
Ethan and 7D class mates
Finn and Caleb 7D
Zachariah 7D

Connections, courtesy and kindness are the basis of our time in 7D English and Maths.

There are many challenges when it comes to learning as a Year 7 student. Expectations are high. Students are taught how to be increasingly independent, taking control of their learning goals and organising resources and plans to assist in reaching these important goals. Ideally, students will leave Year 7 knowing themselves very well as learners, peers and friends, and will be able to handle themselves with responsibility, respect and enormous amounts of class when they move on up to the Year 8/9 Hub. I can see 7D reaching these expectations. They are a great bunch of people who are fun, funny and motivated. 




In Humanities 7D has been looking at geographical concepts and skills. They have been looking at how places can be investigated and studied, and how we apply our geographic skills, including mapping. Students have created a number of maps, including overlays and treasure maps, and using these maps to give directions to help each other navigate. This will help students to apply their knowledge to the real world, and gain a greater understanding of what makes the place they live in unique.

Lilly 7D
Tahlia 7D
Banjo & Skye 7D
Lilly 7D
Tahlia 7D
Banjo & Skye 7D



7D has been busy at work in the Drama Department. In addition to smashing our multi year level Drama competition/teamwork game called Darth Vader, they have also successfully completed their first performance task.


Students have been studying the acting style of Mime and were given a choice of breaking into somewhere or escaping from somewhere. In small groups they devised a short performance around this theme demonstrating both the conventions of mime but also group work skills and performance skills. As part of their presentation, they had to create three imaginary obstacles to overcome. This saw the students diving, ducking, and weaving their way through imaginary laser beams, locked windows, and doors. A few imaginary banks were robbed, the King’s crown jewels were nabbed, and a few students broke out of school but in the end all had fun and made a great start in Drama. The rest of the term will be spent looking at the acting style of Melodrama. 


Physical Education and Health


In PE/Health 7D students have had the opportunity to participate in a range of minor games to support them in working with students in their class as well as to socialise outside of the classroom context. Following this they have been able to complete fitness tests which include:

  • The beep test
  • Sit and reach
  • Hand grip strength
  • Vertical jump, to name a few.


Now the students are about halfway through their unit of AFL. This has been a highlight as students have really started to work well in different teams. Our last PE session being a real highlight where communication within teams was really evident which led to an increase in the quality of the games we were playing, where ALL students were included. The photos included show our warm up game of tail tag as well as a modified football game focusing on handballing. 


Just a reminder that all students need to be changed for PE each lesson and we strongly recommend that they bring themselves a drink bottle!


Food Studies


What are rice paper rolls? Rice paper is a delicate edible wrapper used to package delicious ingredients. This is a low fat snack.

7D Food studies
7D Food studies
  1. Task – Mise-en-place, read over the recipe.
  2. Activity – Student will soak the vermicelli in warm water in a bowl.
  3. The ingredients needs to be julienne (matchstick) cut.
  4. Assemble rice paper rolls one at a time. The rice paper sheets need to soaked in warm water for 30 seconds until it is just softened.
  5. Add the filling, tuck both ends in and roll.
  6. Make the dipping sauce and dip the rolls.

     7. Enjoy!

Zachariah and Harmoni
Clay and Chloe
Ethan and Caleb
Zachariah and Harmoni
Clay and Chloe
Ethan and Caleb




In this lesson we will be learning about the levels of classification. We are focusing on the Linnaean System. Levels:- Domain- Kingdom- Phylum- Class- Order- Family- Genus- Species. Linnaeus also created a method of naming a species. This method, called binomial nomenclature, gives each species a unique, two-word Latin name consisting of the genus name and the species name. An example is Homo sapiens, the two-word Latin name for humans. It literally means 'wise human'. This is a reference to our big brains.


7D Science
7D Science
7D Science
7D Science