


Our body image is formed by the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs we have about our bodies and how we look. This includes our shape, size, weight, gender identity, and the way our body functions for us. We may feel many different things about our body and appearance: sometimes satisfied/positive, sometimes dissatisfied/negative, sometimes a bit of both, or even neutral. Either way, our body image can influence how we engage with the world.


Who is affected by body image? In a word, everyone. Body image starts developing in early childhood and the relationship you have with your body and appearance—which typically evolves over the course of your lifetime—is one of the most significant, long-lasting and complex relationships you will ever have.


Why build a positive body image? Whatever your size, shape, weight or appearance, every person can enjoy and deserves a positive body image. A positive body image is possible, essential to physical and mental wellbeing, and is known to protect against eating disorders. We also know that along with a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise, the most effective prevention programs for eating disorders focus on building a positive body image. Having a positive body image can improve:

  • Self-esteem: how a person feels about themselves
  • Self-acceptance: when a person feels comfortable with their appearance they are less likely to be impacted by societal and media pressures to look a certain way.

Health not weight - When you’re able to accept, appreciate, respect and enjoy your body for all that it does for you—regardless of its weight, size or shape—you are experiencing a positive body image. A health promotion approach is key in eating disorder prevention programs, which aim to address body dissatisfaction, improve self-esteem, and support a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise.


Boosting body image - The journey towards achieving body satisfaction, acceptance, confidence, or even neutrality will look and feel different for everyone. It’s about finding ways help you improve the relationship you have with your body and appearance.


*Article credit - Butterfly Foundation


The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programs are free, and provide ways for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are also programs for parents.



Who can do the program?

If you are a teenager who worries about things then you will find the program useful. Parents of teens who worry or suffer from anxiety will also benefit. There are two self-directed programs available: one for teenagers aged 12 – 17 years old and one for parents of teenagers aged 12-17 years old. You can do the programs individually or you can do them at the same time as your parent/teenager.


Does using the BRAVE Program mean that I don't need to see a doctor?

The BRAVE Program is intended to help children and teenagers overcome anxiety by teaching strategies for managing anxiety-provoking situations. If you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment of depression, severe anxiety or other mental problems then consult a medical practitioner or mental health professional. Please note that the information on this website is not a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by an appropriate health professional. If you feel like your anxiety is no improving than please consult a medical practitioner or mental health professional.


Do I have to do the sessions in order? And, do I have to do every session?

You can do a little or as much of the program as you want and at a time that suits you. You do have to do the sessions in order, so you will not be able to access session 2 if you haven’t completed session 1 and so on. The BRAVE Team recommends that you complete the program and return to do the Booster sessions when you feel like you need a refresher.


Can I stop in the middle of a session and come back later to the same spot?

Yes, you'll have the option to carry on from where you left off if you leave a session before completing it. Remember that you won’t be able to access the information in the resource folder for the session until it is complete.


For more information or to register, visit https://brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au/


ParentZone Gippsland is run through Anglicare Victoria offering all carers and parents a chance to develop and strengthen their parenting skills and create positive change in their family.  ParentZone may be able to support you with strategies and education that can be easily transpired from a learning space to living space and continue to run education and information sessions online to support parents and carers. All programs are FREE but bookings are essential. For enquiries on any of these programs, contact parentzone.gippsland@anglicare.vic.org.au or phone 5135 9555.





What is Bullying and how do we know when it is occurring? Through this session we look at: 

  • Understanding what bullying is
  • Recognising the signs your child is being bullied.
  • How to support your child and advocate for their needs?
  • Help your child build resilience and learn protective behaviors?

Where: On line via TEAMS

When: Tuesday 28th March 2023

Time: 10:30am -12:30pm

Cost: FREE. Bookings essential

Enquiries: parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.au or 5135 9555



Are you worried about your Childs Behaviour? Do you want a better understanding of what is age appropriate and when to look for supports? Understanding your Childs Behaviour aims to look into:

  • What is age appropriate
  • Strategies to help you deal with the changes in your Childs development leading to changes in behaviour
  • Improve communication with your child
  • Stay connected to your child
  • How to maintain your emotions when parenting through difficult phases
  • When to seek help

Where: On line via TEAMS

When: Wednesday 5th April 2023

Time: 10:00am -12:00pm

Cost: FREE. Bookings essential

Enquiries: parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.au or 5135 9555



Curiosity and exploration is a normal part of development for all young people. Watching your young person break away from parental ideals while developing their own

can be a difficult phase for all. However there are times that can become concerning.

If you concerned about your young person or the changes to their behavior coming along to. Risky Business may assist. We will look at:

  • What is normal, and what is deemed risky?
  • Age and stage development.
  • Improved ways to communicate with your teen.
  • Develop strategies to listen without judgment.
  • Help your teen problem solve and make safe choices.
  • Stay connected.

Where: On line via TEAMS

When: Thursday 6th April 2023

Time: 10:30am -12:30pm

Cost: FREE. Bookings essential

Enquiries: parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.au or 5135 9555

Are our children getting enough sleep?

While we know sleep is essential for good health, research shows that many children and young people are not getting enough sleep on school nights. This can affect thinking, concentration, memory, reaction times and mood.


Research shows about 12% of primary school-aged children, a quarter of 12- to 15-year-olds and half of 16- to 17-year-olds don’t get enough sleep on school nights. The recommended amount of time to sleep for primary school-aged children is 9 to 11 hours. For teenagers, it’s 8 to 10 hours.


Signs that your child is not getting enough sleep can include:

  • low mood and irritability during social interactions
  • reluctance or arguing about getting off devices and going to bed
  • falling asleep during the day
  • difficulties waking up for school and sleeping in late on weekends to catch up
  • changes to communicating or interacting at home.

You can help your child to improve their sleep by:

  • establishing a regular sleep pattern and consistent bedtime routine
  • supporting them to avoid using electronic devices such as smartphones before going to bed and in bed
  • encouraging your child to exercise and spend time outside in daylight, steering clear of vigorous activity in the hour before sleep
  • encouraging them to wind down and relax before going to bed.

If your child is still having trouble sleeping, has persistent problems with low mood, excessive daytime sleepiness, restlessness in bed, severe snoring or wakening unrefreshed, despite getting adequate length sleep, they should see a doctor.


For more information on sleep health, you can refer to: · 


Sleep tips for children https://www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au/sleep-tips-for-children.html



Minus18 is Australia’s organisation for LGBTIA+ youth – smashing homophobia and transphobia through events, support, training and campaigns. Minus18 aims to improve the health and wellbeing of, and provide a safe environment for, same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people in Australia, seeking to empower them to feel comfortable and confident in their sense of identity and assisting them to grow as happy, healthy individuals well into the future.

Minus18's Virtual Chill Out: Falling for Autumn

Minus 18s Virtual Chill Out events are fun, digital spaces for LGBTQIA+ young people and their friends to de-stress and hang out in a safe, clam and chill environment. We'll bring the lo-fi tunes and vibes, you bring your favourite relaxing activity or join in the drawing challenges, creative activities, writing prompts, and low-key chats with your Minus18 community in the Zoom hangout. Key info:


Who is the event for? Queer young people and their friends!

DATE: Friday 14 April

TIME: 2:00 - 4:00 PM

LOCATION: Zoom (we'll send you the link on the day of the event)


AGE: 12 to 19 ONLY

What to expect: 

  • Activities, creative prompts, and fun vibes – hosted by the Minus18 Young Leaders!
  • New friends and the chance to connect with your LGBTQIA+ youth community!
  • Fun vibes, and the most wholesome chat going around.
