Religious Education 

Eamonn Farrelly - Religious Education Coordinator 

It has certainly been a wonderful start to Religious Education at St John’s for 2023! We have been able to explore our wonderful College Theme “Known and Loved” in our classrooms to begin the year. Feel free to have a look at the image created by Year 10 student Quaratullane Ali, as well as her reflection on what is represented in her image and what the College Theme means to her. Our Year 7 to 10 RE teachers also had a workshop earlier this term (see photo) to help support their work in the classroom and continue to help nurture our young people into confident, inquisitive and compassionate young adults.


Eamonn Farrelly

Staff Workshop
Staff Workshop



Student College Theme Reflection - “Known and Loved”


This image’s facial expression has a sense of belonging. The hands of Mary show us that she’s used to worshipping God… these same blessed hands would caress, embrace, devote and raise a messenger of God. This image represents that right from the time God told her the news of Jesus being in her womb, she straight away loved that child. She loved that child unconditionally because she was aware that her pregnancy with Jesus was a miracle of God.  Ultimately her love, respect and compassion conquered the challenges she faced. Why can't we be like her? Why can’t we have trust in God and his will? Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out? 


Everything in this world is a test. No matter how many times we may want to turn away from our realities, insecurities and hardships we must remember that through love we can learn to embrace these things. Our love for God must come first, as nothing can be done without him. Then we must learn to love ourselves. I admit it’s easier said than done but the more we drag ourselves into darkness and despair the further we get to all the things we cherish. Our dreamland starts to walk away from our grasp. One step at a time because we let the bad realities, insecurities and hardships, model our pathway to love. 


Quaratullane Ali, Year 10 (LE3) 


College Themed Artwork
College Themed Artwork