Principal's Message

Welcome to New Staff
I am delighted to welcome Mr Gulshan Price, our new Deputy Principal, to our school community. Mr Price comes to us with a wealth of experience and expertise in education, and we are fortunate to have him join our team.
In addition, I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Mr Scott Telford, who is teaching in Emus class with Mrs Higgins. Mr Telford brings a great deal of enthusiasm and passion to his teaching, and we are excited to have him on board.
Big Caring C Reward
I am thrilled to announce that our big Caring C reward will take place next Thursday, 6 April, in the afternoon. Students who have been eligible for 4 out of the 5 Caring C reward afternoons this term are eligible to attend the big reward. The reward is a foam cannon disco on the oval. Students are encouraged to wear their bathers or go home wet. Please bring a towel along with you. This will be a great way to end the term, and I can't wait to see all of our deserving students enjoying themselves.
NAPLAN Testing
I am pleased to report that NAPLAN testing for this year is now complete. Our students in Years 3 and 5 did a fantastic job of getting the testing done with minimal interruption to learning. I would like to commend them on their efforts and hard work. We are proud of their achievements and wish them all the best as they await their results.
Reminder: School Grounds Access
I want to remind all parents and guardians that students should not be on school grounds prior to 8 am. Starting next week, the school gates will be open from 8 am each morning. Students arriving between 8 am and 8:30 am are to go straight to the breakfast club where they will be supervised until 8:30 am when they go to class. This is to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and to ensure that they arrive at school ready and prepared to learn.
Magpies Hosting next Assembly
I am looking forward to the Magpies hosting the assembly next Thursday to end off the term. I am confident that they will put on a great show and showcase their talents and achievements to the school community. I encourage all parents and guardians to attend and show their support.
Happy and Safe Holidays
Lastly, I want to wish all of our students and their families a happy and safe holiday break. Please take this time to relax, unwind and spend time with loved ones. We look forward to welcoming our students back on Wednesday 26 April, refreshed and ready to tackle the new term ahead.
Adrian Keenan