Messages from the Front Office

Successful Student Awards
Congratulations to all the students who were recipients of successful student awards at our assembly on 3 March. Well done to Bilbies class for a very entertaining assembly item.
School Photo Day - Wednesday 5 April
- Kindy Wallabies 1 only: Monday 3 April from 9am (please ensure students arrive at school on time)
- Kindy Wallabies 2 and all other PP-Year 6 classes: Wednesday 5 April (please ensure students arrive on time so class photos can run to schedule)
- Each student will receive a personalised order form. Whether you pay online or pay with cash, the order form envelope MUST be returned on photo day and given to the photographer. Please keep your personalised order form in a safe place until photo day. We only have a small number of spare blank forms.
Sibling Photos
- If you would like sibling photos you must accompany your children to the undercover area at 8.30am on Wednesday 5 April. Sibling photos will only be available for 15 minutes from 8.30 -8.45am. There WILL NOT be time after school for sibling photos. Orders for sibling photos must be completed on the oldest students order form.
If your child is ill or away on photo day, you can contact the photographer directly on 9250 6244 and arrange a photo to be taken at their Malaga studio prior to the end of term. Your child will be listed as absent on their class group photo, but class composite photos and individual photos will then be available to order.
Please direct any questions regarding photo day to the front office.
RAT Tests
COVID-19 remains prevalent in Western Australia and testing for COVID-19 when you have cold and flu like symptoms is a quick and convenient way to detect and limit the spread of COVID-19, keeping our school communities safe. The Education Department has issued additional boxes of RAT tests and one box is available per student for families to collect from the Front Office.
No Hat No Play
Parents, please ensure your child has a hat packed in their bag everyday. The school DOES NOT have any spare hats available anymore as students have borrowed them and not returned them. Children without hats must play undercover, so to avoid disappointment please ensure they have a hat with them every day.
The uniform shop sells reversible school/faction coloured bucket hats. The uniform shop is open every Monday 8.30am - 9am.
Lost Property
For Parents that aren't aware, we do have a lost property bucket located in the undercover area. Our lovely P&C uniform co-ordinator will often go through the box and return labelled items to students. But if your child has lost any uniform items or water bottles, please direct them to check in the lost property box. Please also ensure that you label uniform and personal items so they they can easily be returned to their owne