Learning Success

Learning and Support Faculty

Research Tips and Tricks

When doing a Google search:

  1.  Be specific about the information you want e.g. rather than typing in WW2, type in “the causes of WW2”.
  2. Use quotations around a phrase if you are searching for that exact phrase.
  3. Use “OR” between search terms to get matches for either term e.g. “climate change” or “global warming”.
  4. To search for specific domains add   :edu, :com or :org to find information just from those domains. E.g. genetic engineering:edu.
  5. The asterisk can be put in the place of a missing word or part of a word if you can’t remember the phrase e.g. Where there’s a * there’s a way.

Numeracy Initiative

  • All students are encouraged to practise their times tables (with their parents/carers as a partner in this exercise)
  • In this current age, employers are demanding two skills:
    •  Knowing times tables
    • The ability to measure accurately.

We encourage you to sit with your children and review these skills regularly.