Wordslayers (English)

English Faculty

Notices and Upcoming Events

  • Creative Writing Club with Mrs Sinclair has been moved to Fridays at lunchtime in H11.
  • 10ENGL1 and 10ENGR1 will be attending a production of Macbeth at the Seymour Centre on Monday 29th May. Students must ensure they are in full school uniform and bring their lunch. Students must be on time as the bus will be leaving after roll call.
  • Permission notes have been emailed home for students in 9ENGL1 and 9ENGR1, to attend a production of Romeo and Juliet at the Seymour Centre on Monday 7th August. Please return the permission note using the link emailed home and make payment as soon as possible.

Showcasing Student Work

Last term Year 7 completed a unit on Visual Storytelling, with a focus on picture books and how meaning is created for young readers using visual techniques.

For their end of term assessment, students illustrated a double page spread for a new picture book and wrote a reflection explaining their creative choice. Below are some of the awesome works created by students:



Year 11 Standard English started the year with a unit called Reading to Write. They studied the writing style of Australian author Tim Winton and emulated his style of writing in a setting description task. Below is an example of the excellent work created by our students:


After almost 3 hours of travel through the heat, Benny had arrived. A place he longed to see. The water sparkled as the burning sun shot rays of light from up high. Benny stepped out of his small red car, which almost matched the colour of the burning sand between his toes. Wandering down the dunes of the coast the smell of the fresh, salty water tickled Benny’s nose. That smell that makes you feel refreshed and alive again. The water of the bay; it was crystal clear.

Ava H


Wind whistled through scarce shrub, echoing into an abyss. Thrusts of sun bleached water battle with the shoreline while the gentle bruise blue sea ripples behind it. Granules of silky scarlet sand tussle and roll over one another, scorching the feet of anyone who dares to enter. The abandoned island curves to form a moment in time where serenity is sacred. Temperamental and moody, the island cannot contain one emotion, the furious sand burns with anger, the lonely, dry, rocky edge of the island sobs with despair, the peaceful, calm ocean speaks with intent.

Jasmine P


Wide Reading Project

10L1 and 10R1 have commenced a wide reading project to complement their study of speculative fiction. Each week, they spend time reading their chosen novel and completing a range of tasks to suit their interests and preferences for learning.