Student Leadership

Anzac Day

On ANZAC Day we had a number of students represent Camden High School at the ANZAC day ceremonies in Camden. Our school captains and a number of staff members attended the dawn service. Additionally, we had a fantastic group of students participate in the 11 am march in Argyle Street and then stayed to watch our school captains James, Caitlyn and Angelina  deliver the official prayers at the 11.15 am ceremony. We were also lucky enough to have Samuel, one of our school  captains be invited to give the official address at the event. Samuel and all of the captains did an amazing job representing the school. We are very proud of all of the students who were in attendance yesterday. We even had a special mention in the South West Voice newspaper which can be viewed at the link below:

On Friday of Week 1 we had our school commemorative service for ANZAC Day. The student leaders did a wonderful job in the organisation, set up and running of the assembly. Afterward, the students involved were able to enjoy morning tea with the official party.    

Peer Mentoring

Peer mentoring has continued again this term. Our first session took place during week 3. The student leadership council was able to meet with their Year 7 groups and chat about their holiday break and how they are traveling so far this term. Some groups enjoyed some creative games during roll call led by the student leaders as well.       

Deaf Awareness Week

For Deaf Awareness Week this year the Student Leadership Team ran a competition among the student body. They were tasked with learning some Auslan and submitting a video of them having a brief conversation. We are happy to announce that Lexie-Jane Madden of Year 8 was the winner of this competition. Congrats Lexie!   

Upcoming Events

  • Our Captains have been invited to participate in a leadership conference at Parliament House 23rd May 
  • Peer Mentoring (fortnightly)