Camden Careers

Year 10 Subject Selection

Students in Year 10 are commencing the subject selection process for senior school. This is a very exciting time for them, and one that requires a lot of thought and consideration, as it will be their study pattern for the Higher School Certificate. Camden High School is committed to providing both students and parents with all the information they need to ensure that each student studies the courses that are right for them, their abilities, their interests, and any future plans they may have.


To assist student to make the most informed choices around their subject selections there are a number of events planned.

  1. Students will have an introduction to Subject Selection lesson during Careers Education in weeks   4 & 5 Term 2. This will also involve a quick survey to determine student’s goals & plans.
  2. Students will attend a Subject Selection Information Seminar as a whole year group in the school hall on Monday the 5th June. In this seminar they will learn more about the process and hear from each Head Teachers about the subjects on offer and what type of student is suitable in each course.
  3. Parents are invited to attend the Year 11 – 2024 Subject Selection Information Evening on Monday 5th June 2023, commencing at 5.00pm in the school hall. This session will explain the requirements and rules around making selections, what the HSC is and what an ATAR is, as well as cover the actual selection process. Lastly, parents will have the chance to ask Head Teachers questions about courses. 
  4. Each student and their parents will be invited to a Subject Selection Interview at school. In this interview subject choices will be explored and data used from assessments, school reports, minimum standards etc, in order to ensure students are choosing courses that are appropriate for them. Interests, future study, and career plans will also be considered during this interview.
  5. After selections have been made online, all students will be interviewed during Careers Lessons to double check the selections are correct, that HSC rules have been met, and that students looking at University are ATAR eligible. This will be a chance to discuss applications for externally delivered VET courses like TAFE courses or Virtual courses.

Each student will receive a Subject Selection Book. The final choice will occur online. Students will receive an email with a link to Webchoices, and the students unique access code to login. Students will be able to make their selections online early in Term 3. 


Unfortunately, sometimes courses are cancelled if there are insufficient numbers, and alternatively popular courses may run multiple classes if they can be staffed. If this is the case, all students impacted will be interviewed by Mr McKimm.  


We look forward to answering your questions and helping guide you and your child through this process.


Year 9 2024 Elective Choices

Year 8 will be involved in an information seminar on Monday the 5th June in the school hall to learn about each of the subjects on offer and be made familiar with the online selection process. They will receive a subject selection booklet outlining all the elective subjects on offer with descriptions, costs, and the contact Head Teacher. This will be a useful resource for parents and students to use when discussing and deciding their selections.


Students will be sent an email early Term 3 and will be able to make their selections by clicking on the link in that email and using the unique code provided. 


Students will be studying only 2 electives but will be required to select 4, in their order of preference. A computer program will then determine which two subjects each student will undertake. This program gives consideration to the order of each student’s selections, and the result is the best possible outcome to meet the needs of the entire cohort. Some courses will not run if they have insufficient numbers, and where staffing allows multiple classes will run for popular courses. Selections will not be based on a first come first served basis.