Attention Yr 7 & 9 Parents 

Important Naplan Information 

Dear parents and carers,


NAPLAN tests at St Helena will be held on 15/3, 17/3 and 23/3.


 Students in years 7 and 9 complete tests in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (e.g., spelling and grammar) and Mathematics. The tests are now delivered online, using student laptops.


Students need to ensure their laptops are working and FULLY CHARGED.  



It is important that ALL STUDENTS bring a pair of headphones to help support them during the test.

  • We recommend the headphones being brought to school in the days prior to the 15th March.
  • Headphones can be cable or Bluetooth (must be charged)
  • We do not recommend student bring expensive headphones to school.
  • Headphones remain the responsibility of students at all times.



Some parents may prefer their child does not participate in NAPLAN. We also recognise that completing NAPLAN tests may induce high levels of anxiety and stress for some young people. In these circumstances, parents can withdraw their child from NAPLAN testing altogether.


This is a simple process and allows your child to be supervised in a different location during the time that NAPLAN occurs, before re-joining their class in the period that follows.


PLEASE NOTE: If a student is absent on the day of a test, we automatically schedule a catch-up session for them. This means it is important you let us know if you wish to withdraw, or else we may inadvertently schedule your child for a catch-up session.


If you wish to withdraw your child from some or all of the NAPLAN tests, we ask you to complete this short, one-minute survey ASAP:


If you have any queries, please contact Kate Williams (Assistant Principal: Pedagogy)