Need to Know

As we pass the half way mark of Term 1, I am pleased to report that we are finally fully staffed (for now!) and students have settled well into the new school year. Over 280 Year 7 students experienced their transition camp at Forest Edge last week, enjoying the great weather and lots of opportunities to make friends and try new activities.
Important Term 1 Dates
Date | Event |
7th March | Athletics Carnival Years 7-10 Normal day for Years 11-12 |
10th March | College photos |
13th March | Labour Day |
15th March | First Naplan test (Years 7 & 9) |
20th March | Education & Wellbeing Committee - all parents welcome. Information to follow. |
22nd March | Parent/teacher interviews face to face. (Subject teachers) Information re booking will be sent out soon. STUDENT FREE DAY. |
23rd March | Parent/teacher interviews via Webex (Subject teachers) Information re booking will be sent out soon. EARLY FINISH FOR STUDENTS AT 12.20 pm |
27th March | Resources/College Council meeting |
30th March | SHOWCASE evening for prospective students Year 7 HPV Dip Vaccination |
29th March | Catch up photo session for students absent on 10th March |
4th April | VCE Music Concert |
6th April | Last day of Term 1 - early finish |
College Council Elections
I was thrilled to have so many parents nominate for College Council. Unfortunately, we only have four two year terms to fill, so we have to go to election. Can I please encourage all parents to fill out the ballot papers that will be sent home with your child. Thank you to all who nominated - we have never had so much interest before!
Stylus Collection
There seems to be a bit of a challenge going on amongst some students regarding who can "collect" the most laptop styluses. As you know, a computer stylus is not cheap, and the students who have had their stylus "collected" are having to replace them. The bottom line is, this is theft. Could you please discuss with your child and ensure that their laptop bag or pencil case contains only the stylus you purchased for them.
Excursion consent
Please note the College has a strict three business day cut off for consent and payment for excursions. There are a number of compliance, safety and financial considerations in taking students out of the college and organising teachers need to ensure they have sufficient time to ensure that excursion rolls are correct, consent has been received for every student that attends (and it is clearly documented), appropriate medical and parent contact details are with the organising teacher, appropriate first aid kits (with individual epipens etc) are prepared for the excursion, supervision ratios are adhered to, correct payment has been made to any third party providers, sufficient places have been booked where relevant etc etc. For fairness and transparency, no exceptions will be made to this cut off date.
Report Discussions
In response to feedback from parents, we are trialling student progress interviews based on parent and student meetings with subject teachers. Please note, in order to provide sufficient interview slots, interview times are quite short. It is expected that parents and students are familiar with the student's Progress Report (published prior to the interviews) and come prepared with questions for teachers. The purpose of the interview is for clarification or expansion on what is in the progress report, not for teachers to summarise what is already in the report. It is helpful if the student attends the interview with a parent.
Because St Helena subscribes to continuous reporting, but “publishes” progress reports termly and summative reports twice yearly, parent/teacher report discussions will be held towards the end of Term 1 and towards the end of Term 3 to give an opportunity to discuss the formative assessment (progress report) and put strategies in place if required before the summative report (semester report).
To give parents flexibility to attend interviews, the report discussions will run as follows:
Report Discussion Day 1 22/3/23 : (8 minute face to face interviews)
12.30 - 7.30 pm - by appointment.
Report Discussion Day 2 23/3/23: (8 minute Webex interviews)
From 1.40 pm – 4.20 pm, by appointment. Students will be dismissed at 1.00 pm.
These interviews include VCE teachers.
Information re making bookings will come out in the next week or so.
Naplan and changes to school day
In order to facilitate Naplan testing for Years 7 and 9 on the 15/3, 17/3 and 23/3, some changes to the school day are necessary for the 17/3 and 23/3 only.
Official opening of The Hub
On Monday afternoon we celebrated the opening of our wonderful new student space, The Hub. We were so pleased to have the presence of Vicki Ward, Member for Eltham. he Hub is a school funded project, repurposing an old relocatable building, originally the vision of Assistant Principal Vittoria Saliba. With hard work and determination from Leading Teacher (Wellbeing) Rachel Weiss and her team, and our fabulous facilities team Lucas Williams and Costa Gatsios, The Hub has come into being.
The Hub aims to dispel the idea that "wellbeing" is only for young people experiencing problems with their mental health. Wellbeing is a self care concept that we can all apply to build our general wellbeing and resilience.
Apart from being a safe space for students to come to self regulate, seek information and find resources; it is also the space in which a number of student and parent programs will run. Our Student Leadership team meets there, and our Dogs Connect program runs from the "Dog Room". Youth workers, wellbeing staff and our psychiatric nurse will all run various activities and programs throughout the week. Mondays and Fridays are "Pats & Chats" sessions with Frankie and Ash, already very well attended. Two recesses a week, The Hub will provide free morning tea and on Wellbeing Wednesdays a number of external community organisations will run activities for students. The Hub also has a very well stocked Community Food Bank for students/parents in need of some assistance. The Hub is keen to hear from students and parents who may have ideas about how The Hub can further support the positive mental wellbeing of our students. Please email