Wordslayers (English)

English Faculty

Welcome to 2023!

It has been a good start to the year in the English faculty. Students in years 7-10 have been developing their skills by viewing and creating picture books, scripts, short stories and multimodal texts such as film. As we move into the assessment period it is important that students are organised and prepared, especially when it comes to formal assessment tasks. They can do this by: 

  • Keeping a note of the due date for assessment tasks 
  • Checking the assessment notification for the requirements of the task 
  • Asking for help from the class teacher or utilising TASC for extra assistance 

In the English faculty, junior report grades are generated using a range of formal and informal assessment. The purpose of this is to ensure students are awarded a grade based on a range of tasks that shows understanding over a period of time. Each semester, report grades will be based on the following:  

  • Formal Assessment Task  
  • Minimum of 2 pieces of class work submitted for grading  
  • A semester bookwork grade  

Many students will have already completed the first piece of class work toward their Semester 1 report.  


Junior formal assessments this term: 

  • Year 7 – Visual Storytelling illustration and reflection (week 11) 
  • Year 8 – Common Module: Change script and reflection (week 11) 
  • Year 10 – Common Module: Conflict multimodal presentation (week 11) 

Year 11 and 12 English courses also have assessment tasks due in week 11, and should refer to the assessment booklet and notification for further information. These are  available on the school website. 


Year 9 – Common Module: Survival Creative Writing/Reflection task will be done in Week 1 Term 2. 


Creative Writing Club 

Creative writing club is back in 2023! If your child enjoys writing stories please encourage them to join Mrs Sinclair (Hayter) on Wednesdays in H.10 during first break. Student work will be published in future newsletter editions, stay tuned! 











7G Wide Reading Project 

The Year 7 Enrichment Class have begun the year with a wide reading project to strengthen their reading skills and pursue individual interests within the classroom. Each Friday students have time to read their books in class and choose from a selection of activities that appeal to their strengths and interests. 


Macbeth Excursion 

Next term students in 10ENGL1 and 10ENGL2 will attend a performance of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth at the Seymour Centre. This performance will be an excellent way for students to develop their understanding of the text before studying it in Term 3. Permission notes have been emailed home and payments should be made online by 6th April, 2023.