P&C News

Senior Student Information Session:

Are you confused by the terms; ATAR, Category A, Category B, Moderation, Scaling, Ranks and how they relate to your child's education and post-school options?


Have you heard talk about how assessment tasks and HSC exams relate to university choices but are unsure how?


Come along to an information session to explain these and other processes to support your child throughout their final years at Camden High School. 


Monday 27th March, 4.30 - 5.30pm in the Library.


Meeting times and dates:

The P&C meet weeks 4 and 9 each term in the Library at 6.30pm. 


Dates for upcoming meetings are as follows:

Term 2:

Tuesday 16th May 2023 – 6:30pm

Tuesday 20th June 2023 – 6:30pm

Term 3:

Tuesday 8th August 2023 – 6:30pm

Tuesday 12th September 2023 – 6:30pm

Term 4:

Tuesday 31st October 2023 – 6:30pm

Tuesday 5th December 2023 – 6:30pm 


P&C Committee:

The P&C Committee consists of:

PositionP&C Representative
PresidentMia Davidson
Vice PresidentDenise Tsoukalas
TreasurerRenee Jenkins
SecretaryNaomi Bates
Publicity OfficerLaura Hayter

Mia Davidson

P&C President
