Term 1

Learning Conversations

Learning Conversations for Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11* (both VCE and VM), 12* (VCE and VCAL) and the Specialist Sports Program will take place across the College on the following times:

  • Wednesday 5 April: 11am - 7pm
  • Thursday 6 April: 9am - 1pm

Times can be booked through Compass and each appointment is for 15 minutes. This is done through the notification on the Compass Feed. Each appointment can be booked with the student's subject teachers. Learning Conversations are an important time for teachers to share student successes and challenges so far, and to set goals for the year moving forward. We strongly encourage all families/carers to attend. Regular classes across the College will not be occurring on these days. 



NAPLAN tests have taken place over the past week at the College for Year 7 and Year 9 students. 322 students have sat the tests, and as of Wednesday, 1049 tests have been completed. I must congratulate the students on their work and completing the tests to the best of their ability. The tests will give us a great insight into the learning achievement of our students and will help us support the learning moving forward. We look forward to the results in early June, which will be shared with all families.


Warwick Lamb, Assistant Principal

Years 10-12/Teaching, Learning and Curriculum

State Schools Spectacular

This week Western Heights College held the regional State Schools Spectacular rehearsal, which many of our local primary schools and other secondary schools attended. Students were put through a rigorous day of choreography, learning a total of 6 different dances. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Deon Nuku, the Dance Director of the 2023 State Schools Spectacular. Deon has performed in many stage productions both nationally and internationally, has worked on TV shows and movies such as Neighbours, X-Factor and Moulin Rouge, and worked alongside singers such as Macy Gray and Kylie Minogue. 


State Schools Spectacular is a live show that will be performed on 9 September at John Cain Arena as well as broadcast on Channel Nine. Over the next few weeks, WHC students will be busy rehearsing and learning the extensive 8 dances. 


Amanda Dickson

Get involved in a School Production!

As our school grows and develops in all areas across the curriculum, the Arts Team are discussing ways for students to have the opportunity to extend their skills in the area of performance. 


A small-scale theatrical production is currently being considered however we are wanting to gauge interest from the student community to see who would be interested in being involved. 


It is a project that would require commitment possibly over a lunch time and an after-school rehearsal each week. It would be developed during term 3 and possibly term 4 concluding with a performance for the school community. 


If this interests you, could you please email Ms Doak on to let her know how you would like to be involved.

Canteen Easter Competition! 27-31 March

Canteen orders

A reminder that the Canteen will be ORDER ONLY for all main food items, such as salad rolls, sausage rolls, schnitzel burgers etc. The first 10 minutes of recess and lunch will be allocated to collection of food orders only. The canteen will then be open for any additional purchases of drinks, snack items, yogurts, sugar-free icy poles, sorbet etc.  


Canteen Menu Term 1