P&F Association News

From the President.....

Last night we finally hosted our welcome BBQ. Numbers were down on previous years but spirits were high and I think everyone who came had an enjoyable night.  Thank you to all those who helped out.


Last night I mentioned that this year we are fund raising for a new PA system. We are yet to get final quotes but we are looking at needing approx. $20,000.00. So please support us and your school when you can. Every amount small or large helps. 


HOT CROSS BUNS! Have you got your orders in? Orders close on the 29 March. 


SAVE THE DATE! Trivia night is pencilled in for the 17th June. It was a great night last year. We raised lots of money and had lots of fun! Tables of 10, start thinking who you want/need on your table!


Class parents, can you help? We still have vacancies to fill. We need 2 parents per class/year to be a contact for that year. To welcome new families throughout the year to organise a couple of social events? Please think about helping out in this way.


Finally our AGM is next Wednesday the 22nd March. New time of 7pm. Wine and nibbles provided. You don’t have to get a job just because you come. You can come and just provide your opinion. It’s also a great way to find out a little more of what happens “behind the scenes” at our wonderful school.

Committee Members

President - Joanne Ward

Vice President - Kylie Wanschers

Secretary  - Maree Rogers

Treasurer - Michael Ainsworth

BBQ & Catering  - Christine Fittler & Bernadette Garratt

Meeting Date Feb/March 2023

22nd MarchAGM 7pm Staffroom

Hot Cross Buns Fundraiser

The Hot Cross Bun Drive is running for the month of March (supplied by Moxons). Orders opened Wednesday 08.03.2023 and are to be made through the Compass Portal under the Canteen Menu. When it asks you to "select a date" you need to choose 29.03.2023. Orders close on Wednesday 29/03/2023 at midnight and collection date will be from school on Wednesday 05.04.2023.Prices are $8 for 1/2 dozen. Hot cross buns available for order are:

  • Traditional
  • Choc Chip
  • Caramel and White Choc
  • Apple and Cinnamon
  • Fruitless

We would like to thank you for supporting another great P&F fundraising initiative.

P & F 16th March - Beginning of the school year       P & F BBQ.

Thank you to the P & F committee for organising the BBQ. Thank you to the school community for supporting the event.

P & F AGM 22nd March 7pm Staffroom

Please consider being on the 2023 P & F Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, BBQ & Catering.  

Class Parents are also being called for.