From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Unsafe Behaviour

During the last few weeks there has been several occassions that a student has touched another student in a hurtful way. Most of these instances have been during playtime before school, morning tea & lunch.


What are we doing to reduce these 'Hands On' situations?

  • All tip games must be played with the velcro tags to reduce any contact. 
  • No running games before school, replace running games with more passive games eg skipping, handball, elastics,  quoits and a variety of toys in the infants areas.
  • All children to move quietly around the school and no running on the cement.
  • That safety and respect be shown to others - hands and feet to self, say nothing hurtful, seek help for self or others when there is a safety concern.

At home we encourage you to discuss the expectations of what a member of our school community is expected to do to ensure everyone is SAFE, VALUED, RESPECTED & CARED FOR.


When children harm another student intentionally, a member of the Leadership Team will speak to parents about the incident and seek assistance in the replacement of the unsafe behaviours.


All student behaviour is recorded in school Chronicles and the data is reguarly monitored by staff. This data is used to determine student participation in school events. If students are identified to have a record of unsafe behaviour, the school will not grant permission for students to attend or participate in events & activities such as excursions or representing the school at sporting events, etc. 

P & F  BBQ 

The P & F  Barbeque that was held last night was a great success, with many parents and students taking the opportunity to meet and enjoy each others company. I appreciate the effort that parents made, and once again thank you for coming along. 


We are tracking our student attendance closely this year and hoping we are returning to our pre-Covid levels. We are off to a great start with our attendance rate currently standing at 95%.  

                                           Every day at school counts, every minute counts!


Please ensure if your child is away from school that you let us know the reason by phoning, responding to the SMS by email or sending a note to the Front Office. 

NAPLAN - Year 3 and Year 5

NAPLAN started this week for our Year 3 and 5 students. The teachers have been working with the students in class to ensure they are familiar with the testing process and to complete practice questions. Even though students are well prepared, it is important to remember NAPLAN is only one of many ways that teachers gain information about students' strengths and what the next steps are to continue in their learning journey. 

National Young Leaders Day

Our school captains Lucy, Kavin, Maeve & Staten made their way down to Sydney for the annual National Young Leaders day last week. Throughout the day they listened to some amazing and inspirational speakers. Sports stars Chris Green (cricketer) and Caitlin Bassett (former Australian Netball captain), the funny Nazeem Hussain, and His Excellency, General the Honourable David Hurley. 


The last speaker of the day was Dr Jordan Nguyen who is a leading Australian engineer, inventor and innovator. The children learnt about how he helped Riley, a 13-year-old boy with cerebral palsy explore new levels of independence by inventing technology that uses eye movement to power technology and even drive a car.

                                   “One life persists to improve many!” Dr Jordan Nguyen


Since returning to school from the Young Leaders Days, I have seen the captains putting into practice the skills they learnt about in Sydney. They assist in the mornings with the meet and greet, make sure their Kindergarten Buddies are ready for the day, ensure the flags are up, plaground equipment is ready and offer their services to anyone who looks like they could use a hand.  Thank you captains & all Yr 6 leaders.

Diocesan Winter Trials

Congratulations to the following students who were selected in the Diocesan Teams for the Polding Winter Trials at Tamworth on Friday 28th April. Darcy Thornton (Rugby League), Jack Kenny (Soccer), Lucy Bible, Mercy Suluma (Netball) and Liam Rogers, Charlie Cox (Hockey). We wish them all the very best of luck.

Armidale Show 

Congratulations to all of the children for the Class Art that was entered into the show. The school received several 3rd places and an encouragement award. 

Term 1 Fees 

Our first term fees are due on the 24th of March. Please ensure your account is paid by the due date. If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your fees please contact Mrs Judi Hansen (Finacnce Officer) to discuss payment.

Armidale Autumn Festival - 1st April 

The Autumn Festival is coming back after a COVID break! The school will be looking for parents & families a to assist with our school entry.  This will be an agenda item at the next  P & F Meeitng.

School Cross Country Monday 3rd April

The school Cross Country will be held at Moran Oval for the Year 2-6 students on Monday 3rd April. The children might like to start to practice for the cross country. 


Easter Prayer Assembly - Wednesday 5th April

On Wedneesday the 5th April the children will present a prayer for Easter.

Infants (Kinder to Yr 2) will be at 10:15am  in the School Hall

Primary (Year 3 to Year 6) will be at 11:30am in the Cathedral.

Spirit of Catholic Education Awards

Nominations are invited from anyone who is aware of a paid or unpaid person whose contribution to Catholic education has been exceptional.

Parents & Staff can nominate! Nominations just need to be endorsed by the school principal.  NOMINATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 30 MARCH





P & F AGM 22nd March 7pm Staffroom

Please consider being on the 2023 P & F Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, BBQ & Catering.  

Class Parents are also being called for. 

SAC - School Advisory Council Meeting

I would like to thank the 2022 SAC for their time, advice and support throughout the year.

Pilar Argente, Kylie Rice, Frances Cowley, Amanda Worthington, Frances Miller, Louise Reinke & Fr Roel.

2022 was a very successful year with several of the pre-COVID events back on the calendar: meetings in person, school excursions and parents back in the school.

The children had a successful year academically, culturally, sporting and socially, achieved pleasing growth in all areas of our data.

I am looking forward to working with the 2023 SAC Committee,  Amanda Worthington, Frances Miller, Joseph Brown, Louise Reinke & Fr Roel, as we build our wonderful Catholic Learning Community at St Mary's. 


Today parents face a multitude of modern day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.


SchoolTV addresses this as an online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.

Please use this URL to go to SchoolTV-


Check out the resources on our school website 


Dear schools, 


It is almost every day now that students, from mostly high schools, are vaping on the bus. We have had students as young as ten caught vaping. It is so hard to police.


I wrote to both Adam Marshall and Barnaby Joyce in relation to this very serious issue. Please see their responses attached below.


We are not winning with what we are doing at the moment and we need this product banned.


I am asking all schools and the parents to write to both members asking them to help make this priority. Not just for the buses but for all students health.




James Cross

Depot Manager

Edwards Coaches