Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Week 9 Update

With the Summer season now behind us, Winter sport trials in the Junior School are in full swing. Over the past week, many of the teams have trialed and now been selected. These selections are only for Round 1. It is recognised that with only one trial, it is very difficult to get team balances correct for the season straight away. As such, the first three rounds of the season are an extension of the trial period. Boys displaying a strong skill set, good attitude and a willingness to respond positively to feedback, may be given the opportunity to move up teams. Likewise, those that may not be putting their best foot forward, may find themselves moved out of their current team. 


No doubt there will be boys that are disappointed with their initial team placement after the trials. I would encourage them to work hard at training and during games to show coaches their worth. The old adage of ‘actions speak louder than words’ is a good starting point for boys that have desires to move up the teams. I would also encourage boys to speak to their coaches, early in Term 2, for some guidance on what they might be able to focus on and improve.


The draft draw is almost complete and should be posted soon. The Winter season runs for 10 weeks and commences on the first weekend in Term 2. The majority of the season runs during Term 2, with only three or four fixtures occurring in Term 3. With a large amount of Winter teams, it is important for all boys to be familiar with the draft draw and to carefully check the weekly once it comes out. Coaches are still being sourced and as such the training schedule is not ready for release. The draft draw and training schedule will be shared to the Junior School community via the College App.


Now is the time for all boys involved in Winter sport to visit the Uniform Shop to purchase their playing uniform. All boys who trialed over the past few days have all made a side. Teams for Round 1 will be announced shortly, if they weren’t already at the trials. The Uniform Shop is open on the following days:

  • Thursday 30 March until 4:00 PM
  • Friday 31 March until 12:30 PM
  • Monday 3 April until 4:00 PM.

If students are purchasing items without parents/carers, please make sure they have a printed copy of the order/payment form. This is available on the College website. A reminder to all AFL players that I will supply their guernsey for the season.


After so much sunny weather during the Summer season, it was a shame that the Junior School Cross Country Carnival was washed out. The carnival has not been cancelled, merely postponed until early Term 2. Time and day of the rescheduled Cross Country Carnival will be confirmed early in Term 2.


It is always great to hear about and see the boys in the Junior School excelling outside the College. We are lucky in the Junior School to have son many boys with a wide variety of interests and expertise. Congratulations to Ethan Banaghan on successfully earning his Black Belt over the weekend. Having a five-hour grading certainly seems like a significant challenge. Add in having to break wooden boards as well and Ethan’s achievement becomes that bit more amazing. Well done Ethan on such a great performance.


John Locke

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular

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