
The Black and Green Aggregate Shield

This coming Saturday, the College will host Trinity Grammar in what should be a superb opening round of Winter sports. Both schools will be contesting the Black and Green Aggregate Shield whereby the victor of every evenly graded fixture will accrue points. I encourage all members of the St Patrick’s College community to come down and support our teams, our mates, our sons, and our brothers. The Shield has resided in the College Vestibule for most of the past 18 years and I have no doubt that our boys will be keen to retain it in 2023.

Supporters' Duty

A reminder that Year 7 have been designated Supporters’ Duty on Saturday 1 April. All boys are to report to the Powell Pavilion between 1:00 PM and 1:15 PM dressed in correct College sporting attire or Winter College uniform and have their names marked off. Once this has been completed, boys will move to SPC No. 3 to support the College First XI and await further instructions. Boys will be dismissed from Breen Oval at the conclusion of the First XV game; approximate time is 4:50 PM. 


Boys who are representing St Patrick’s in College fixtures played later in the day are to seek out their respective Year Coordinator upon arrival. These students will inform their Year Coordinator of what team they played in, the location of the fixture and the start time.

Music Camp

Last weekend, over 40 students accompanied by Dr Taylor, Ms Duff, Mrs Antaw and Mr Heffernan to Galston to gather as one cohesive ensemble in preparation for their performances later in the year. The boys received fantastic tuition from both our internal staff and tutors and special guests. 


The reports I have received thus far have been very positive and I would like to take this opportunity to commend the boys on their enthusiasm and diligence. Of course, events like this do not simply happen without a lot of work behind the scenes and at the venue. Special thanks are extended to Dr Taylor and the above-mentioned staff for making themselves available to assist our boys. Thank you.

Senior School Summer Sports Presentation Evenings

Parents and boys are advised that the Senior School Summer Sports Presentation Evenings are scheduled to take place at the following venues and times:


Monday 3 April

Secondary Baseball Presentation Evening – 7:15 PM – Robson Auditorium

Secondary Basketball Presentation Evening – 7:15 PM – College Gymnasium


Tuesday 4 April

Secondary Swimming Presentation Evening – 7:15 PM – Robson Auditorium  

Secondary Cricket Presentation Evening – 7:15 PM – College Gymnasium


Please arrive by 7:00 PM for a 7:15 PM start and note that there is a clear expectation that all students involved in these activities will be in attendance and dressed in their full College Summer uniform. Members of the ‘Firsts’ are to wear their Blazers.


The College requests that no car park in Hydebrae Street (which runs at ninety degrees from Francis Street and the Senior Library) at any time.  Its narrowness makes resident parking difficult and non-resident parking can present a safety risk by preventing the access of emergency vehicles.


Steven Fochesato 

Director of Co-curricular

Music Camp 2023

This weekend saw the return of the annual College Co-curricular Music Camp after a few years’ hiatus, and it was great to finally get away again and spend time together learning and making music. Forty boys from the Concert and Symphonic Bands headed off after school last Friday to Galston Gorge Camp and Conference Centre. It was an amazing spot with excellent facilities, and the weather was even kind! They spent the weekend in an intense series of rehearsals, sectionals and workshops, run by the talented band educator and musician, Mr Craig McGown with help from our own tutors. They responded to him brilliantly and the final concert for the parents on Sunday afternoon was testament to this and sounded amazing. There was enough time for much cricket and basketball in the huge gym, and even time for a swim in the pool.

On Saturday afternoon, we had a 90-minute rhythm workshop run by one of Australia’s best and most popular percussionists, Mr Jess Ciampa. It involved marching around the gym creating complex polyrhythms with our bodies – even my brain was given a work out! Mr Ciampa said this:

“The boys did a great job with the exercises I was throwing at them and they were, in many cases, much better than many tertiary students I have worked with in the past. I was very impressed. On top of the skill level it was great to see the concentration and level of participation that was going on. It showed a maturity beyond their years”.

So well done to them – they represented the College brilliantly.


What the boys did on this weekend meant something: not only did they learn new insights into their playing, they bonded as a group – something that is important in any group activity, not least a musical ensemble. I certainly had a great time (although I’m still a little tired!!). Thanks to the other amazing teachers, Mr Heffernan, Ms Duff and Ms Antaw, who also came and contributed so much to making it such an enjoyable and memorable trip.


Dr David Taylor

Ensemble Coordinator

Shakespeare in Love (The Play)

Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Performing Arts Production of Shakespeare in Lovea modern comedy that the whole family can enjoy.


Young Will Shakespeare is out of ideas, luck, and love…his new play Romeo and Ethel the Pirate’s Daughter, isn’t exactly inspiring anyone, including him. The play looks like it will remain unfinished…until he meets his muse, Viola, a woman of wealth and talent. The charismatic Viola wishes to break with tradition and perform on stage at a time when only men were allowed to act. This stage adaptation of the 1999 film is a comedy about writer’s block, mistaken identity and of course, love.


Each year the Performing Arts Production provides a platform and inclusive space for our young men to interact and socialise with neighbouring girls' schools. In 2023, the College is proud to collaborate with performers from Santa Sabina College, Strathfield and MLC School. 


The 2022 production of The Addams Family was a sell out! Tickets are selling fast for Shakespeare in Love. Click the hyperlink to get your tickets now

Performance Schedule 
Wednesday 31 May7:00 PM curtain up
Thursday 1 June7:00 PM curtain up
Saturday 3 June7:00 PM curtain up
                                Ticket Prices
Adult$20 + booking fee ($2.50)
Concession (pensioners and card holding students): $10 + booking fee ($2.50)
Child(under 12): $10 + booking fee ($2.50)
Family Ticket(2 adults + 2 children under 12): $50 + booking fee ($10)

Rebecca Duff

Head of Performing Arts


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