Senior School

You can find our Careers website site at
Year 12 Pathway Plan Interviews
All Year 12 boys will be invited to attend a compulsory Pathway Plan Interview to discuss their plans after Year 12. During this interview we will discuss course options at university, TAFE or college, university preferences, scholarships, Educational Access Scheme (EAS), School Recommendation Scheme (SRS), apprenticeships/traineeships, job opportunities after Year 12, the ATAR, and anything else that is relevant.
These interviews will commence next term and continue into Term 3. Prior to the interview, each boy is required to complete a questionnaire which provides me with information so I can best guide and advise them. I encourage all parents/carers to have a discussion with their son regarding his plans after Year 12 prior to them attending the interview. If you would like to be part of the interview, this can be organised via Teams or face-to-face during school hours. You can email me with the interview time your son has made, and I will send a Teams link to you prior to the appointment. Alternatively, your son can email me to request this.
Parent registration to Job Jump – Online Careers Education
Our College has a subscription to JobJump which is an online Careers education tool. This career education platform provides information on pathway options including careers and courses. The students in Year 10 will be provided with access to JobJump during careers lessons this term. Year 11 and 12 students already have access.
Parents/carers can now register with JobJump. This may be beneficial when discussing pathway options with your son. Below is information on how to register to JobJump.
- Go to the website:
- In the top right-hand side click on 'I'm New'
- To begin, type in our school’s name in the first white box and when the full name of our school appears click on it
- Enter our School's Password exactly as you see it here with no spaces and all lower-case letters - school password: pat
- There are a few quick questions and then you are underway to access the Careers Education tool and utilise all of the features listed below.
In the Know with Careers
Inside this week’s edition of In the Know with Careers, you will find information on the following:
- University Admission Centre (UAC) – UAC key dates and register to the UAC Digital/Year 12 Conference
- University of Technology Sydney (USYD) – Webinars on degrees in Computing Science, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology, Games Development and Data Science Engineering
- Australian Catholic University (ACU) – Webinars on degrees in Education, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Business and IT
- University of Notre Dame – Information session on the Doctor of Medicine (Post Graduate course)
- Overseas Study – Applying for study in the UK and USA
- TAFE – Courses offered by TAFE Digital
- Private Colleges – Le Cordon Bleu Hotel (Hospitality), Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) (Game Development, 3D Animation, Film and Visual Effects)
- Careers as a Dentist
- NSW Police - Recruitment Information and PCT Practice sessions
- University and Early Entry – What’s good for students?
- Other – Free online lectures by ATAR Notes, the workforce of the future, calculating your ATAR using the InspirED ATAR calculator and commonly asked interview questions.
Joanne Cupac
Head of Vocational Education and Careers