Literacy News

National Literarcy Week
Week 8 was Literacy Week at Staughton!
To get students excited, staff dressed up as their favourite literary characters on Monday, then activities followed during lunch throughout the week. Students enjoyed a poetry workshop, book trivia competition, board games and even a literacy-themed Amazing Race.
There was also an awards ceremony with prizes for the winners on Friday. Thanks to all staff and students who participated.
Naplan Online Trials
Staughton College is one of a select group of schools asked to trial the new online version of the NAPLAN test this year. All schools will be going online over the next two years, so being able to familiarise ourselves with the program beforehand is certainly useful!
Last week, Year 7 and Year 9 classes were amongst the first in Australia to sit the trial.
Students performed exceptionally (despite some technical issues!) and reported that they found the new format preferable to the old ‘pen and paper’ test.
Literacy Coordinator