Principal's Report

Principal's Report
Literacy is an incredibly important skill for all people in all communities. Educational researcher Mike Schmoker summed this up in 2006 pointing out that the ‘lifelong consequences of literacy skills are monumental. They affect not only school success, but intelligence itself – our ability to think. Authentic literacy rightly acquired, profoundly affects student’s life and career options, their understanding of the world their facility with concepts and ideas. These intellectual abilities pervade every subject area’.
Every day before recess, all Staughton students participate in tutorial groups where there is a literacy focus. We are impressed with the way the vast majority of students are arriving at these classes with a ‘just right’ text ready for their independent reading session. Tutorial groups also include a specific literacy target teaching session each week.
The past week has been Literacy Week. This is another way in which we promote the importance, and enjoyment of, literacy. On Monday, many staff dressed as a character from a book. I very much enjoyed dressing as Harry Potter! It has been an action packed week with activities including:
- Book trivia competition
- Spelling bee
- Board games (word-based)
- Amazing Race
- Awards ceremony
Each semester, we test students in literacy and numeracy using the Department of Education’s OnDemand tests. We use this testing to measure student learning growth, and to modify and improve our teaching. It is vitally important that all students give their best effort in these tests so we have a true reflection of their growth, and the effectiveness of our programs. Individual student NAPLAN results will soon be distributed. These also can be used to measure literacy and numeracy learning growth.