Junior School Report

Junior School is very busy with Swimming Carnivals and preparation of rooms for the Expo which will be held in Term 2. Students are working very hard to get great results for the Progress reports and Parent teacher Interviews that are later in the term.  Camps are still well attended and heaps of fun!


We held the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence on Friday 15 March. The day reinforced the need to Connect Protect and Respect each other.  The VCAL students put messages of kindness on the lockers of the Junior Students that were well received and shared.


In Integrated Studies – Students are learning some History of Australia and completing Timelines.  Year 8 are studying Medieval History. Students are earning their Bunsen Burner Licences in Science and in PE Sport they are practicing the techniques for Athletic events.


Japanese classes are studying the various alphabets and symbols. In French and Italian classes the students are learning greetings, discussing school and participating in role-plays. 


Class Captain Elections have been held and the results are as follows. Congratulations!!


The Year 7 and 8 students competed in the School Swimming Carnival in their house colours on Friday 8thMarch.  The day was filled with enthusiasm and excitement as students barracked for their house colours. The winning house for the day was BUTTROSE HOUSE. The students competed in the various pool events including Tug of War was a huge hit!  Well done to all our students for such great participation. We have a number of students who also participated in the Regional Carnival.



The following students received awards for Excellence for demonstrating the School Values of Leadership, Excellence, Integrity and Respect. Congratulations!

Year 7 – Daniel Koutras and Chelsea Nguyen

Year 8 – Karli Keskin and Eram Ahmed


Daniel Koutra
Chelsea Nguyen
Karli Keskin
Daniel Koutra
Chelsea Nguyen
Karli Keskin



Teachers have completed Progress reports for Coordinators. All students must be up to date with homework and class work. All students are reminded to complete at least one hour of study a night. If they are having difficulties they should speak to their class teacher or coordinator.

Please ensure that your child has a lock on their locker. We cannot be held responsible for things taken from unlocked lockers. Also every child must have a spare key lodged with their Learning Manager. Could you also ensure your child’s clothing and books are labelled. Mobile Phones are to be turned OFF before entering the school and locked in the Locker. They are not to be used during school hours.  We do not take responsibility for lost or stolen phones.


Year 7 SEAL -  NGV Excursion

On Monday, the Year 7 SEAL went to the NGV with year 10 SEAL. The Year 10’s went on a different route but we managed to do some creative writing with them at the end of the day. However, we first went to the antiquities gallery which had artefacts from Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and South America. We then went to the artefact gallery of China and the imari-ware gallery of Japan. After that, we had lunch at Southgate, which had delicious food options (I had sushi) and we then met the Year 10’s to do some creative writing.

Wilfred OO  7G


The NGV Excursion was fun. We went to the antiquity gallery first. It was awesome. I saw the head of Queen Nefertiti. We also went to the Ancient China and Japan Galleries. Where I saw lovely pottery with old pictures on them.  The last part of the day we did a creative writing piece about a painting of the year. It was fun, I really enjoyed looking at all the beautiful pictures around me. I definitely enjoyed the excursion.

Ryan Nguyen  7G



Reflection of my first Term at St Albans Secondary College

My first day at a new school had been a nervous and exciting time for me and my friends. Since it was a new school for me, I didn’t know anyone and I even got a bit lost a few times. Luckily there were always teachers around and other students to help us every time.  A few weeks ago we had musical lessons and the teacher said we could bring our own instrument to school. I noticed how many people knew how to play an instrument. I got to my classmates better when I played music in small groups. I feel really welcome at this school.

By Eileen Zhao  7G




Lauren Honeycombe

Junior Sub School leader