From the Principal Class Team

Staff Professional Learning with Jane Pollock

This year we are again working with Jane Pollock to assist our newest staff members to make the most effective use of the Instructional Learning Cycle (LATAR) we have embedded at St Albans Secondary College.  On Thursday 21 March Jane worked with our new staff to provide guidance and support around planning and implementing the cycle during lessons.  She also spent the following day with two groups of staff who have undertaken to lead some professional learning for their colleagues on in-lesson feedback.  This will enable teachers to know how students are progressing throughout a lesson and be able to provide support at the student’s point of need.  Both days have been very well received by staff, who value the experience and guidance of this well respected educator and her knowledge and support of the use of the LATAR cycle and the provision of timely feedback.


Term 1 Progress Reports

Progress reports for Years 7-12 have been issued and are available on Compass.  We recommend you regularly check on Compass to see how your son or daughter is progressing but particularly at reporting time to access their term or semester reports.  If you are unsure how to access the parent portal, please contact the general office and they will be able to assist you.  We congratulate all those students who worked hard to achieve their results.  Those students who did not do as well as they would have liked should use this opportunity to focus on areas requiring attention and catch up on any work that was listed in the report that they had not yet completed. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

A reminder that the Term 1 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday, 3 April. They will be held from 1pm to 7pm, with a dinner break from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. It is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet their child's teachers, and to receive feedback on progress to date. It is a time for them to reflect on their learning for the term and to set some goals to assist them achieve continual growth. Bookings should be made through Compass. If you need any assistance to do this please contact the General Office.

and finally 

We wish all our staff and students a happy, restful break over the holidays. And thank you for your support this term for all we do together.




Principal - Kerrie Dowsley







Assistant Principal - Craig Jennings







Assistant Principal - John Coulson







Assistant Principal - Tracey D'Elton