Spotlight on our Alumni

Veronique Wulff

What is your current position and what led you to this role?


Operations Manager of Vue Properties


Founder & Chair of the Dandelion Wishes Gala proudly supporting the Monash Children's Hospital.


My husband and I have been avid property investors and developers since our early 20’s and saw the market was missing an investment builder with the ability to help everyday people grow their wealth ethically through property and with a quality product. Our passion for property has seen us achieve outstanding success in this sector which led us to aiding others realise their property goals.


In and amongst running our company, our fourth and fifth children came along prematurely. Due to their extreme prematurity, they needed the intensive care of the Monash Children’s Hospital for the first several years of life. It is through this experience that we saw the need for a state of the art children’s hospital located in the south eastern suburbs. We wanted to give back to a facility that had given us so much. My husband Lincoln and myself founded the Dandelion Wishes Gala which gave a platform to raise the profile of the new Monash Children’s Hospital and funds for much needed equipment.


What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments (personally or professionally)?


On a personal front, having the ability to recognise and appreciate my achievements is very rewarding. Life has thrown many hurdles my way and I don’t take for granted what I have. I’ve been blessed with five beautiful children, two of whom came into this world with struggle. This is what drove my passion to create an event that raises awareness and funding for a state of the art children’s hospital based in the southeast to cater for Victoria’s growth corridor. We’ve since raised over $800,000 through the Dandelion Wishes Gala which proudly supports the Monash Children’s Hospital. We aim to break $1million through our 2018 event. The event's tremendous success has been due to the overwhelming support of likeminded individuals and businesses. They are proof that it does take a whole community to build a great hospital and together we can imagine a healthier future for our children. I’m thankful that Victorian families who are yet to learn of their need for tertiary medical care, and those who already seek it,  have world leading facilities at their doorstep. 


On a professional front, the freedom and flexibility of having my own business, Vue Properties, has enabled the realisation of our charity. Vue Properties is a property consulting and construction group with expertise and services covering the full cycle of property investment and development. Over the past 19 years we have been able to  create and deliver quality residences in desirable locations, with innovative & timeless designs whilst reducing project delivery timeframes to maximise the performance of our clients' investments. 


What was your most memorable moment as an MGC student?


Being accepted into MGC was a major turning point in shaping the person I am today. I was previously at a school that I felt was hindering my ability to achieve my best. I sought out a change without the knowledge of parents and applied to MGC. Taking the initiative and creating the opportunity for myself awakened me to the power I had in shaping my future. I learned that it was possible to aspire and achieve great things, and that the only limit was our imagination.  So, it wasn't as much a decision to become an entrepreneur as it was just a realization that  that is what I was meant to do. Starting Vue Property Development and growing the business were just the next steps as I still continue to uncover new possibilities. I found purpose in growing a business that produces a useful product and creates meaningful life changing opportunities for people and their future.


In what ways has your experience at MGC had an impact on your career and who you are today?


My time at Melbourne Girls’ was brief as I was only there for Years 11 & 12. But that itself encouraged me to make the most of the little time there. I had to step up, take on challenges, succeed academically and prove my potential to the world awaiting me. This is true of life really; it is short and we should grasp it in both hands. Now is the time to make a difference, take chances, and follow our passions. Don’t wait for someone to give a you start or to pull you along. You may not get from A to B without hurdles and that’s okay. Detours are just an opportunity to learn and grow. Now a mother of 5, I consider myself blessed that the magnetic pull of entrepreneurship has led me to have a fantastic work life balance. 


I embrace the notion of controlling my destiny. 



What do you consider to be your biggest challenges?


Dealing with the unknown! As someone who likes to be very organised and prepared, this is a real challenge. In my role, I'm expected to come up with the ideas. When my team have an issue or hit an impenetrable obstacle, it is my responsibility to come up with a response and an alternative plan to move forward. This demands on-the-spot creative thinking -- which should be an oxymoron, but I rarely have the luxury of time.