Josefine Samuel

February 2023

Introducing Josefine Samuel who will be teaching German.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I have always enjoyed being active and part of the sporting community growing up and in my final years at school I decided I wanted to become a PE and Health teacher which would allow me to bring this passion across to students. I also thought it would be great to put my German background and language skills to use and decided that German would become my second teaching method. 


How long have you been in the teaching game?

This is my fourth year of teaching.  


What was your last place of employment - school/university or another organisation?

Lauriston Girls School Year 9 Howqua campus.


What do you love most about teaching?

Seeing the progress my students make across the year. 


What has been one of your best teaching moments?

Spending a year at a boarding school and participating in and leading activities that I never thought I’d be doing in a teaching career. E.g. Leading a 7 day expedition through the Alpine National Park / rafting down the King River.


What would be 3 things that you would like your students to know about you?

  1. I have 2 dogs
  2. I love soccer 
  3. I enjoy spending time outside being active

Where is your favourite holiday destination?

My favourite holiday destination is Noosa, its nice and warm, has amazing beaches and is very relaxing. 


What TV show/series did you last binge watch?

I most recently binge watched Cleo on Netflix.


If you could wear Harry’s invisibility cloak for one day, where would you go and what would you do? That’s Harry Potter’s cloak not Harry Ruff’s cloak 😊

I would jump on a plane heading to a warm sunny destination. Flights are expensive these days.


What is the one piece of ‘advice’ or the one thing that you always say to your students?

Always give your best, one day you’ll look back and wish you had. 



Thank you, and welcome to Mullauna College, Josefine!