Jeremy Chan

February 2023

Introducing Jeremy Chan who will be teaching Science, Physics and Mathematics.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I tried some volunteer teaching when I was on a holiday and loved it. 


How long have you been in the teaching game?

I’ve done a little bit of volunteer teaching overseas and substitute teaching but I’m new as a full-time teacher. 


What was your last place of employment - school/university or another organisation?

I worked as a substitute teacher at Norwood Secondary college before starting here at Mullauna College. 


What do you love most about teaching?

Every day is different, and I learn something new all the time. 


What has been one of your best teaching moments? 

When a student gave me a puppy as a present!


What would be 3 things that you would like your students to know about you?

  1. Saints footy.
  2. Love to travel.
  3. No pineapple on pizza.

Where is your favourite holiday destination?



What TV show/series did you last binge watch?

Better call Saul.


If you could wear Harry’s invisibility cloak for one day, where would you go and what would you do? That’s Harry Potter’s cloak not Harry Ruff’s cloak 😊

I would go to KFC headquarters to find out what the 11 secret herbs and spices are.


What is the one piece of ‘advice’ or the one thing that you always say to your students?

Never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 



Thank you, and welcome to Mullauna College, Jeremy!