It’s been another fantastic two weeks at KSC over the last fortnight. One of the clear highlights was our 2023 Swimming Sports last Wednesday. After postponing this event earlier in the year, when the weather was poor, we were greeted with a magnificent day at the Korumburra Pool. After a typically busy start to the year, staff, students and parents enjoyed their time together, out doing something a bit different for the day. All students should be commended for their outstanding effort and participation. Well done to McDonald House for taking out the overall standings. Particularly well done to Gypsy Quaife as well for her efforts in breaking two school records.


Another highlight for me from the last week was hearing Paralympian triathlete, Liam Twomey, speak to our students on Wednesday. Liam shared his story from losing his leg to cancer at a very young age, getting in to trouble as a teenager, then finding a path to becoming an elite athlete. While very few of us will ever go on to become an elite athlete, Liam had messages that were relevant for every one, every day. As part of his story, Liam told us that he didn’t think he was a particularly talented athlete, but his success was built on the fact that he just “turned up every day”. This is a simple concept that we can all achieve.


In my last newsletter article, I focussed on encouraging students to ‘dream big’. A simple strategy to help achieve big goals is to break it in to small steps, and be relentless in “turning up every day”. To help achieve great things, I encourage students to start by focussing on turning up to school every day. Turn up ready to work. Turn up focussed on producing your best work every day. Focus small steps, but be relentless in “turning up” each day.


I’d also like to mention that our 2023 School Council nominations are currently taking place. We have four parent vacancies for this year. School Council is a valuable opportunity to have input in to teaching and learning, wellbeing processes, facilities, finance and activities at our school. Council meets twice per term, and I would encourage anyone who might be interest to nominate for this year. More details can be found on Compass.


John Wilson Acting Principal
John Wilson Acting Principal