eBooks and Audio Books available at KSC

KSC Library have launched an online eBooks and Audio Books portal called ePlatform, where you are now able to access our eLibrary anywhere, anytime, on multiple devices.  We have 2000 books and 1000 audio books available for borrowing immediately.  Each student has a unique username and password which are available from the KSC Library. Books can be borrowed for up to three weeks and will automatically be returned to the eLibrary if you have not returned it beforehand.


ePlatform is user friendly and can accommodate a range of reading styles (font size/type and page colours can be changed, allowing the reader to personalize their experience).

Please encourage your student/s to come to the library and collect their logon details.



We have a wonderful new library and a lot of students are enjoying it during lunchtimes to play cards, chess, read and just mingle.  Books are available to borrow from the library before school and at lunchtime.  We have new books coming in all the time so come and have a look.


We do have to make some rules around the library so that it stays a space where students can relax and enjoy playing board games and reading.

  • Library opens at 1.40 pm (allows students to have lunch and a drink before coming in) and closes when the music goes for P4 class
  • No eating food or drinking is allowed in the library
  • This is a quiet space so no running, jumping on furniture and yelling
  • Respect each other as well as the furniture, games and books