What's Happening at CHPS

Sports News

What a fantastic start to the year we have had in the PE / Sport space. 

PE lessons, Sensory Motor Gym (SMG) lessons, Senior Sport Training and Junior and Middle Friday Sport are all underway! 

Friday Sport is a great opportunity for students to complement skills being taught in PE lessons during the week and an extra opportunity for students to experience a variety of sports. 

Promoting healthy and active lifestyles in a fun and safe environment when children are young, creates the building blocks for leading a positive, healthy and active life as an adult! 


The First Senior Gala Day is coming up on Tuesday 28th February (week 5). Please see compass for further details for consent and payment if you haven't already done so. 

Ride2School Day:

Friday 24th March (week 8)

National Ride2School Day is Australia’s biggest celebration of active travel and one of the best days on the school calendar. Let’s discover the joy of riding and kick-start healthy habits for the future. 

Students can ride, scoot, skate or walk to school on this day. Further information about this event will follow in the coming weeks. 

Laura Yorke  -  PE/Sport

School Photos - Friday, March 3rd

Our school photographers, Schoolpix will be taking school photos on Friday, March 3rd.  All families should have had an order form and instructions sent home last week.  These contain a unique order code for each student, which needs to be quoted when ordering online.  Please see the Office if you have any questions.

Please ensure students are wearing correct school uniform for photo day, no sports or performing arts tops for class or individual photos please.  Sports and PA Captains may wear alternative tops for Leadership photos.  

Sibling photos will only be taken if pre-ordered online.

From Sophie in Sickbay

There appears to be a high incidence of gastro in the general community at present, particularly in childcare centres.  Over the last week we have seen a steep increase in the number of students presenting to Sickbay with gastric symptoms and we are asking all parents to be vigilant in an effort to stop the spread of gastro throughout the school.

If your child is unwell, please keep them home to prevent the spread of germs to their classmates and friends.

If a child has gastro (vomiting or diarrhoea), they are excluded from classes for 24 hours after the last episode.

Sophie Turnham  -  First Aid Officer