Our Catholic Community

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday we gathered as a Catholic Community to begin our Lenten journery. 


The marking of the ashes on our foreheads on this day, is a public expression of our faith and humility.  It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through prayer, we come closer to God so that we are better able to realise the promises made for us at our baptism, to live justly as Jesus teaches us. Fasting joins us in solidarity with people experiencing poverty who often have no choice but to go without the basic human needs. 


Sharing what we have, or ‘almsgiving’, is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us. 


There will be a number of opportunities throughout Lent, for our students to give generously to Project Compassion. The first event is Cash For Caps. 


Cash for Caps- Caritas Fundraiser for Lent