Homework is an opportunity for students to work independently, have conversations with others, teach others, be part of the community, consolidate knowledge and understandings, transfer thinking and skills into other situations, demonstrate abilities in alternate ways and take on responsibilities ....... and the list goes on. The Torrens grid is not intended to be another layer of formalities but rather a routine of establishing a work - life balance and work in progress developing your child's identity and well-being.
Every student in Torrens will have a copy of the homework grid. It may be stuck in their homework book or placed in their diary. This is what they will continuously refer to for homework each fortnight.
Each fortnight, students are expected to complete 4 grid tasks. Daily reading, daily chores and daily physical activity are the three compulsory tasks. The fourth task is one from the grid that each student selects. The classes use the JARS acronym to help them organise these tasks.
J for Jobs or household responsibilities.
A is for Activities, with many of our students routinely participating in sporting clubs.
R stands for Reading, such a vital life skill
and component of learning. Both reading aloud and being read to are essential elements at this age.
S refers to special happenings within the class or selected items from the grid.
At the end of each fortnight, students are to reflect by responding to the three questions at the bottom of the grid.
When they come to school, they will meet with their homework buddy/partner and share their reflection and show evidence of completion.
Peer feedback will be given and improvement goals may be set. Teachers will also provide feedback.
Students have choice about how they would like to record their evidence of task completion and reflection.
In the past, students have:
- created a book in Book Creator on their iPad
- recorded videos
- shared their work on Google Drive
- recorded in a homework book
- recorded tasks in their diary
- made a PowerPoint and added to it each week.
There are many ways evidence of task completion and reflection can be recorded.
Students will record the due date for each fortnight's Homework in their school diary. It is important for students to make sure they have their evidence with them at school ready to share with their peers.