
'In a world where you can be anything, be kind.'

Random Acts of Kindness 

 At Fatima, we talk to our students each and every day about how we use our kind words, kind hands and kind hearts when interacting with each other. Our last Assembly, hosted by 3/4F gave examples of how this is shown around our school as we celebrated Random Acts of Kindess day. Please watch the following video of our wonderful students.

Lunch Clubs

Making lunch times extra special! 

We have a variety of lunch clubs our students can attend to learn, socialise with groups of multi-age students, 'take a break' from the playground or try something new. Lunch Clubs provide students with other options and an opportunity to foster social skills.

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Last week we all made an extra BIG effort to be kind to others! Often, our acts of kindness were anonymous because we know that being kind is its own reward!  You can watch our Kind Kids in this link (you may need to download it). 



Mrs Louise Davidge

HUB, Wellbeing & Diversity
