Principal's News
'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'
Anne Frank
Principal's News
'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'
Anne Frank
Dear Families
Last Wednesday, our school celebrated Ash Wednesday with our parish. This special day commenced our Lenten journey - the start of 40 days of prayer, penance and almsgiving as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Thank to those parents and carers who were able to join us.
Our first Assembly of the year was led by 3/4M and what a fabulous job they did! It was lovely to witness the class share some kindness during their presentation to our Preps in celebration of attending their first assembly and in recognition of Random Acts of Kindness Day. If you weren't there, you also missed Mr Koole, Mr Connolly and Mr Ferguson play the air guitar for us all!!
Tomorrow we have 5/6A hosting assembly and parents and carers from this class are invited afterwards to go with their child to see some learning and enjoy a cuppa.
All parents and carers are invited to our assemblies :)
Dolphin Research Institute (DRI) Ambassadors
This year our four DRI Ambassadors are:
These students will work with the Dolphin Research Institute and as well Mrs Heggen to delve deep into learning about marine mammals and environment, the community and the long term sustainability programs. Izzy, Lucas, Winter and Kyri will have the important role of sharing their learning with the school and looking at ways we can take steady action to ensure a brighter future.
Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA)
Once again, I wish to let you know Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools are in the final stages of the EBA and schools have been advised to start working towards these proposed agreement changes. It is important to see this agreement as a positive change for our staff and in particular teachers, as this is about improved working conditions.
We hear that education is one of the top areas of the 'great resignation' and as well that a third of graduate teachers are leaving teaching by the fifth year. We are seeing a major impact on staffing. There is hope though that with such improvements teachers will consider returning to the profession and as well draw people into the education field.
Gotcha Awards
Each day students at Fatima have the opportunity to receive a 'Gotcha' for such things as treating others with respect, showing kindness, following school expectations, doing amazing learning and the list goes on. The idea is we get students in the moment,
GOT-CHA! On a Friday, these Gotchas are randomly selected from tubs (Junior, Middle, Senior) by our Year 6 leaders in front of the school. When a name is pulled out, that student gets to select from a variety of awards. This year we have added a new award, which was created from student voice - one on one time with Buddy. So far Charlotte and Eamon have found much joy and laughter in this award! It's sure to be a hot ticket!
Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
Yesterday communication was sent via Skoolbag regarding expressions of interests for class representatives and a coordinator for the establishment of our PFA. If you are interested please email me by 9am next Tuesday, 7th March. Simply saying I'm interested and for which role!
School Advisory Councillors (SAC)
I wish to advise that our council members include:
Our parent / carers include:
In brief, the role of the School Advisory Council (SAC):
School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning Day
Next Friday, 10th March, is a School Closure Day. This means students do not come to school. Our staff will particpate in professional learning led by the organisation 'Australians Together' who focus on embracing and respecting First Nations Peoples and cultures, their lived experiences improved, and all Australians enriched by meaningful relationships and connections. Our workshop is titled 'Building Confidence' where we will explore ways to embed Aboriognal and Torres Straight Islander perspectives in the classroom.
Staffing News
A big, big congratulations to Mrs Olivia Catalani and Mrs Aley Allan for the wonderful news of their pregnancies! We wish both women all the best during this special time.
In closing, make sure you check out the other pages in our newsletter. It's filled with all the great things that happen at our wonderful school and as well those things coming up!
Also don't forget that we have our Family Picnic next Thursday afternoon, from 4-6pm. It's an opportunity for you to meet and mingle with other families from Fatima. A reminder that the next day, Friday 10th March is a pupil free day!
Enjoy the upcoming long weekend!
Sarah McDermott