Governing Council News

Congratulations to the 8 new Governing Council members who were elected to the Magill School Governing Council at our AGM on Wednesday 15th February. Our 2023 Magill 

School Governing Council members are:


Newly elected members (8)

2023 the first year of a 2-year tenure

Continuing members (7)

2023 the final year of their 2-year tenure

James Baker

Jega Balakrishnan

Sean Bates

Michaela Banks

Marianne Idiculas

Kathryn Baum

Prashant Joshi

Katie Cook

Lisa Morgan

Anthony Giannini

Jennifer Roberts

Debra Gonzago

Mulyadi Robin

Claudia Viale

Nowar Shahrouri



I would like to thank those who nominated for positions or completed their tenure on the Governing Council. Their contribution is greatly appreciated. Office bearers will be elected at the first meeting of the Governing Council on the 20th March, 2023. 


Being a Governing Gouncil member is not the only way to contribute to our school. We have various sub-committees that parents and caregivers can join. Our committees meet once or twice a term and meetings can be held either during or after school hours depending on the availability of committee members. Conveners will negotiate times with members.


Please register your interest in joining a committee by emailing the delegate listed below by Friday 10th March.


We will be in touch with successful applicants shortly afterwards to organise meeting times.




Parent EngagementGuy
FundraisingKasey Thorne

Office bearers will be elected at the first meeting of the Governing Council, which will occur later this term.