Student Learning

F11 and P15 Shared Learning
Identity Investigator Teams
F11 and P15 got together into our Identity Investigator Teams to discover many things about each other. We sat in circles and asked each other questions. Then some children from each team shared something they learned about another person in their team. It was a fabulous way to share our ideas, recognise that we are all individuals and make observations about our identities, differences and each other. As a group, we discussed that we all have different skills and abilities and we will all try to respect that. We enjoyed getting to know each other and we had fun in a happy and safe environment.
Questions that we asked each other
1. What is your name?
2. What is your favourite colour
3. What is your favourite food?
4. What do you like to do with your friends?
5. What do you like to do with your family?
6. What do you like best about Year 4? Or… What do you think Year 4 will be like in the future?
7. What do you like best about Year 2? Or… What did you like the best about Year 2? 8. Do you go to any after-school or weekend classes, eg: swimming, netball or soccer? 9. What’s your favourite event at Magill School? eg: Sports Day, the Music is Fun Band. 10. What is your favourite celebration time with your family? Eg: birthdays, movie nights, camping in the backyard.
Here are some of our comments
I learnt that Anika loves to do art – By Chloe
I think that when I get to Year 4, I will be very busy with my different lessons – By Riane
I learnt that Lachie and Darcy like to eat pizza – By Lavina
When I was in Year 2, I remember that I liked doing Easter and Christmas crafts – By Feya
When I was in Year 2, I remember growing vegetables and cooking them into a yummy soup – By Maddie.
I enjoy going to swimming lessons at school – By Mia
I learnt that Damon likes to write using different genres at school – By David
My favourite thing about school is sports day – By Hudson
When I was in Year 2, I remember growing lots of spinach. We then made spinach and feta pie. It was delicious. - By Anika
I learnt that Chloe likes to have fun with her friends after school – By Katie
I learnt that Cary likes Science lessons at school – By Darcy
I learnt that Marcus likes PE lessons and playing fun games with his friends - By James
I learnt that Chloe likes to add big numbers together in Maths – By Olivia