Student learning around KPS

Foundation Learning
In Foundation we have been learning a lot in maths! We have been learning how to identify numbers, write them independently and use a tens frame to show our numbers up to 10.
Grade 5
The Grade 5 students took some time to sketch some items from Nature during their Mindfulness during the week.
Character Strengths in Grade 6
6T class and their members made this diagram after a discussion about their own character strengths.
You can learn more about this topic here
Are you curious about STEM - do you know what it stands for?
Have you thought of a name for our yabbies?
Please let Mr. Barnden know.
Visual Arts
Foundation students during Art used color strips to glue and then add them to their self-portraits. Welcome back Mrs Shaw!
The Grade 5 students used great care and precision to punch holes to help insert split pins. Construction of Lunar New Year Rabbits was very popular, with a selection of the rabbits on display, outside the Art room.
Our Foundation students learning how to write their names in Japanese.
They had great fun with the play dough.