There is a prize for every student who raises just $10 for our school! Each donation helps fundraisers achieve up to 15 awesome prizes! And the funds we raise will go towards new playground equipment for our school!!
Students yet to create their online fundraising profile can do so by heading to www.australianfundraising.com.au. You can also follow the instructions in your child’s sponsorship booklet that went home last week. This is a cashless fundraiser. So head to the website to do online donations to your child’s profile page. You have to be in it to win it!
Then, share your page with friends and family via social media, email, or text! Your fundraising profile can’t be searched via Google or any other platform – it can ONLY be accessed by the share feature. This means it’s cyber-safe! So don’t wait! Start sharing today!
This is all part of the Colour Explosion Fun Run which will happen on Thursday, March 30th.
All students will need to wear a WHITE T-SHIRT for the color run day.
Parents are welcome to attend and volunteer for this event and more details will come soon. All volunteers will need a current WWCC to assist.
Contact Jo at kalindafestival@gmail.com with any questions or to express your interest in helping on the day.
Happy sharing and fundraising!
Kalinda Fundraising Team
Other Events
Icy Pole Fridays will continue until 31st March.
All purchases are through Qkr!, so please jump on each week and shout your kids a frozen treat.
Open Classrooms day is on Tuesday, March 7th.
The P&F group will be organizing sausages in bread for $2.50, available 3.30 pm-4.30 pm.
Purchases will open soon on QKR, so look out for the Compass note!
Helpers needed to run this event- shifts available from 2.30 pm - 5 pm.
You are welcome to sign up for more than one shift if you have the time free. Each shift is 30mins, so you’ll have plenty of time to see your children’s classroom.
There will be a Parents & Friends Committee AGM held in March. The date is TBC and will be announced on our social pages. Everyone is welcome to attend and to nominate for a role on the Committee. Roles and role descriptions will be posted in the next Newsletter for your consideration. You are most welcome to attend if only you are curious.
We have a fantastic schedule of events across the year, and the team is very excited to share and engage with you over these….so please look out for further information as events are rolled out.
Wishing you all a fabulous Term 1.
Warm Regards,
The P & F Committee.