Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on Tuesday 26th March between the hours 1 pm – 5 pm and

6 pm – 8 pm.   No classes will run on this day. 


This is an important opportunity to share information and discuss your child’s progress and learning needs with teachers.  We encourage students to attend these interviews.


Parent Teacher Interview online bookings will open 9.00 am Monday 18th March and close at 12:00 noon Monday 25th March.  We recommend that parents book interviews as soon as possible once the online module is opened. The module can be accessed at   Enter the code 5h2p7 to proceed.


Interviews will be held in three locations – the Year 12 Study Centre, the Year 11 Study Centre and the Library.  A Compass post reminder will also be sent to parents and students prior to the booking module opening.



Ms Frances Snow

Assistant Principal