Host Families for Japanese Exchange


Japanese Exchange Program 2019


Rosehill Secondary College is once again seeking host families for 12 Japanese students from our sister school, Kogakkan High School. The students will be in Melbourne for 10 nights from Wednesday 24th July to Saturday 3rd August 2019.


The exchange program between Kogakkan High School and Rosehill Secondary College has been running for more than 15 years and has been very rewarding for students and families alike. This is a great opportunity to make friends in Japan by participating in class activities and excursions.


Conditions and Roles of host families

  • Host families will be paid $ 250 to contribute towards costs and weekend activities.
  • Japanese students do not need their own room. As long as everyone is happy the students can share a room with your child. Boys will host boys and girls will host girls.
  • Weekend activities can be as simple as shopping in the city or watching your child’s sporting match on a Saturday.  In the past, some families have organised a Sunday BBQ together.
  • Japanese students are here to learn English, so Japanese language skills are not required. Students studying Italian can also host students so that they can make friends in Japan.


If you are interested in hosting a student, please return the slip below to the general office.  If you would like additional information about the homestay program, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Ms Nellie Harbourd  & Mr Takanori Hayakawa




Japanese Exchange Homestay Program


I would like to host a Japanese student from Wednesday 24 July to Saturday 3 August.


PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:       ____________________________________________________________                                                                                                                      

STUDENT NAME:     ___________________________      HOMEROOM:  ____________________________                  

CONTACT NUMBER:   __________________________       MOBILE:  _______________________________                                                      

ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________


As some students have allergies, we also request the following information:


PETS OWNED: NO (     ) YES (     )  If YES, what are they?   ________________________________________                                                                                  

SMOKERS IN THE FAMILY?  NO (     )     YES (     )  _______________________________________________


Parent’s /Guardian’s Signature:  ___________________________________________________________