Step Survivor Challenge
The first STEP Initiatives Workshop for the year was held on Wednesday 27th February. Year 7-9 students were separated in to mixed year level groups and were given the opportunity to work in teams to complete a Survivor Challenge.
The day kicked off with teams creating their own tribal chant. Students had to engage in different challenges such as re-creating a Lego design using ‘observers’ and ‘walkers’ to communicate information to team members, cracking the tribal code and producing a sling shot. Teams accumulated points along the way and the day concluded with a trivia challenge in which ‘Haiti’ were crowned the winning team!
Students were able to build relationships with other STEP students in different year levels while developing their leadership, initiative, resilience and team work skills. It was wonderful to see many of the Year 8 and Year 9 students adopt leadership roles throughout the workshop. We hope that the relationships students formed today will continue to flourish throughout the year and onwards.
Ms Stephanie Barbaro
Learning Specialist - Enrichment