From the Acting Principal
Principal's Report
I wish to take a moment to think about all communities affected by the recent fires in Gippsland and wish them our very best in what will be trying times ahead.
As we head into Week 7 of this busy term, the upcoming activities and events make it a very exciting time to be a member of the Rosehill Community.
Interim Reports should be available this week to allow parents and guardians an opportunity to formally view how their children have commenced the school year. I encourage parents and guardians to print this report and to bring it along to parent teacher interviews on Tuesday 26th March to be used as a reference point for discussions. The parent online booking module via Compass will be opening soon so please keep an eye out for this notification on Compass. I look forward to seeing many parents on the night.
I would also like to remind parents to check Compass on a weekly basis at minimum. Our teachers have been excellent in posting work requirements, results and comments both for parents and students to better track and monitor their progress on a regular basis.
Wednesday 13th March is Rosefest. This is a great day in the calendar for Rosehill students and we wish the current Year 9 cohort all the best with their fundraising, planning and activities on the day.
Thursday 21st March is our annual Athletics Day. Please ensure payment and consent has been given via Compass. We look forward to another excellent day of competition. I encourage every Sapphire team member to compete at their highest level, do our team proud and reverse the result of the swimming carnival!
Our STEP Information Night for 2020 is on Thursday 21st March. If you have a child in Grade 6 and are interested in applying for a position in STEP or want to know more about the program, please come along to the information evening. Please contact Ms Barbaro or register online via the link below.
Towards the end of the term, on 30th March our second NASA camp will launch to the United States and spend almost two weeks in Orlando Florida. This once in a lifetime camp includes STEM activities at the Kennedy Space Centre, behind the scenes adventures at Universal Studios and the the opportunity to attend a live NBA game!
Mr Arthur Soumalias
Acting Principal