Principal's Message

Angela Richmond - Acting Principal

I am thrilled to announce that a French LOTE program will be starting in term three for students in grades 1-6 for one hour each week. Classes will take place every Wednesday alongside our Foundation French Bilingual program. Also starting in term three, Nick Smith will be working with a teaching artist from The Song Room to run a Performing Arts program consisting of music, dance and drama that will culminate in an end of year whole school performance. 


On Wednesday staff and I came together to reflect on and celebrate the school's many achievements spanning all curriculum areas, the French bilingual program, specialist programs, student engagement and wellbeing initiatives, Junior School Council and School Council throughout the first semester. It revealed that students, staff and parents at Fitzroy Primary School work hard and support each other to achieve success and take tremendous pride in our school. We also took the opportunity to record and display our goals for the second semester which will drive our professional learning and enhance our teaching practices with a strong focus on student outcomes, engagement and wellbeing. 


Teachers have now finalised semester one student achievement reports which are available in Compass. Parents can log in and download their child's report by selecting "View Academic Report" which is located next to their child's photo. Parent teacher interviews will take place early in term three which is an opportunity for parents to discuss their child's progress with the classroom teacher. 


Parents are reminded that a student free day will take place in term three on Thursday 25th July. Teachers will be participating in a full day professional development workshop on Writing. Staff from other schools will be joining us which is a fantastic opportunity to connect with teachers and leadership teams. 


On behalf of School Council and all staff, I wish our students and families a safe and happy holiday. I encourage you to be vigilant when on the roads and look forward to seeing everyone back safely for the start of term three on Monday 15th July.