Dates For The Diary
Term 3 Week 1
Monday 15th July
9.00: Living Eggs -Ready to hatch program F/1 begins
3.00: Whole School Assembly
3.30-4.30: Fitzroy Lions Soccer Clinic
Wednesday 17th July
9.30: School tours for parents
3.30-4.30: Fitzroy Lions Soccer Clinic
Thursday 18th July
12.15-2: 5/6C City Robots Incursion
3.30-4.30: Fitzroy Lions Soccer Clinic
Friday 19th July
9-10.30: Smalltalk Playgroup
12-2: Brothers & Sisters in 5/6C
Week 2
Monday 22nd July
3.00: Whole School Assembly
3.30-4.30: Fitzroy Lions Soccer Clinic
Tuesday 23rd July
9.30-2: F/1 Museum Excursion
Wednesday 24th July
9.30-11: Open Day
3.30-4.30: Fitzroy Lions Soccer Clinic
Thursday 25th July
Pupil Free Day - No school for students today
Friday 26th July
9-10.30: Smalltalk Playgroup
9.00: Living Eggs -Ready to hatch program F/1 finishes
Newsletter published
Looking ahead
Monday 15th July
Term 3 begins
Thursday 1st August
Bookfair 2019 begins
Monday 12th August
9.30-11: Open Day
Wednesday 11th September
9.30-11: Open Day
Friday October 25th
2019 Art Fair