VCAL BBQ - Athletics
VCAL BBQ on Athletics Day!
Once again the VCAL Year 11 students with the help of the following enthusiastic teachers: Mr Raiti,
Ms Mortellaro and Mr Pavlidis ran a very successful fundraising BBQ on Athletics day.
The students were eagerly involved in the preparation process which included shopping for the occasion and promoting the event to the school community through advertising.
All VCAL students were on a rotating roster the entire day completing various tasks. These tasks included loading Mr Raiti’s trailer and teachers’ cars with food, drinks (and of course the BBQ itself), cooking the meat, serving the hungry crowd and finally packing up and cleaning the grounds at the end of the event!!!
The $770.00 raised on the day will support The Salvation Army and will assist in the subsidy of our Self Defence Course for Term 2.
It was a great day for a worthy cause.
Vicki Handris