Senior School

Welcome to Term 3

A warm welcome back to everyone in Senior School.  We have had a busy start to the term, and we look forward to another productive experience for the students. 

Student Led Conferences

Thank you to all of the parents who came to speak to their child's teacher this week.  Students were mightily proud in sharing their portfolios, which portrays student work highlights and assessments from Semester 1.  Thank you once again for your support. 

In our Classrooms

Our reading focus for Weeks 1 and 2 has been, Cause and Effect.  In writing, students have been experimenting with different forms of poetry, which will accumulate into a 'Portfolio of Poems' where they will have the opportunity to share their work with other classes.  In Mathematics, we have been working on reading and calculating 12 and 24 hour time and in Week 3, our focus will be on  3D shapes.   

Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition

For a number of years now, Weeden Heights Primary School has participated in the Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition.  This is a wonderful opportunity for students build their skills in this area and gain confidence.  2 students from Year 5/6 will be selected to represent the school at Mount Pleasant Primary School on Wednesday August 28.  Students will choose a topic and in the week prior to the event, will present before their peers.  

Lunchtime Activities

This Thursday, Zahir and Nicolas will be hosting a library club for the first half of lunch for years Prep-6. All students will be required to bring their pencil case for the activities.  On Friday, Alex, Aryan and Zayan will be hosting Dodgeball for year 3-6.   They will also be playing lots of games like Octopus. 


Next Thursday, Lachlan and Harley will be hosting a coding club for years Prep-2 and only the first 20 students will get in.   Finally on next Friday, William and Emilio will be hosting a soccer training session for years Prep-2.  There might be a match at the end so stick around.  We hope to see your child(ren) there.   


Zayan and Zahir