Community News
Clean Up Australia Day
Australia is a beautiful country that’s rich with amazing outdoors. From bushlands to beaches, parks and mountains, each one is just as awesome as the next. Sadly, people have gotten careless and forgotten to take care of our surroundings by littering and not picking the rubbish up, which is why Clean Up Australia Day is so important!
Last Friday was Cleanup Australia Day everyone in Jells Park participated in helping pick up rubbish. The Foundation picked up rubbish inside the classroom, the level 1,2 & 3s cleaned up around the school, and the level 4,5 & 6s went down to the nearby parks to clean up.
The level 6s went to a park near by and happily discovered there was not much rubbish there meaning people are starting to change their ways for the better of the environment.
We hope you change your ways for the better too!
Written by the Environment Captains
Ride 2 School Day
Library News - Staff Book Recommendations
Last week staff members were asked to each recommend a book from the school library which they had enjoyed as a child (or still enjoy). The students have loved choosing and reading books recommended by staff members.