Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart



School Council 2020

Nominations for parent members on School Council have closed and new members appointed. 

Teachers Robbie Small and Sue Ward were reappointed as DET representatives, Vicky Bouranis was reappointed for another term as a parent representative and three new parent members are welcomed to council: Tracey Blackstock, Priyanka Rastogi and Ipsita Wright.

2020 School Council AGM

On Wednesday 18 March the School Council is holding its AGM at 6.30pm. This is when the 2019 Annual Report will be presented to the Council and the broader community. It is an opportunity for you to hear how the school is performing and the results achieved throughout the previous year. If you would like to hear these results please join us in the staffroom at 6.30pm. Please RSVP to by Wednesday 18 March 9.00am so we can arrange appropriate seating.

Working Bee & Ride to School Day

Don't forget these two important events.

Ride to School Day is on Friday 13 March. There is information coming home soon and in this newsletter.

Working Bee is on Friday 20 March from 3.45pm-6.00pm. More people means more gets done. Please help out if you can spare some time.


A huge thank you to all families for their considered and common sense approach to this concerning issue. Like everyone worldwide, we have no idea how far this virus will spread or the impact that it could have on our community. There is little need to panic right now but we can take steps to minimise the impact.

At school we have taken the following steps to protect a little more from the spread of any virus by:

  • Having regular cleaning of classrooms and toilets.
  • Additional daily cleaning of tables and chairs.
  • Providing handwash in all classrooms.
  • Encouraging all students to wash their hands regularly.
  • Encouraging students to cough and sneeze into their arm or hands.

Let's hope this issue is well contained and disappears shortly!!

Emails going straight to Junk mail?

It has come to our attention that for some members of our community, our emails are ending up in their junk mail/spam box. If this is you please add the email address of any emails that land in your junk/spam to your address book. This will ensure you are receiving all of our communications!

If you have any questions about this don’t hesitate to contact the office.