Principal's Message

(Heads, Hearts & Hands)

Liam Buckley

Dear Families,

Welcome to the final two weeks of the term. Both weeks are only 4 days for the students. A reminder that all the staff are attending a Professional Development training day on Monday with the highly acclaimed Berry Street Education Model. So Monday June 20th is a non-student day. 

We have had a busy couple of weeks and despite the bitter weather we have managed to almost complete our winter sports for the senior students with an amazing effort at the Footy Lightning Premiership last Thursday. The squad of 20 students played 7 games against all the other catholic primary schools in the HOLT district. We won 5 games and narrowly lost 2 games. The teams we were beaten by played off in the Grand Final and we were third placed overall. Thank you Kristina our wonderful Learning Support Officer for helping and coaching and to Brett Bennett for his time and coaching.

Our Netball Lightning Premiership is on Thursday this week and we wish the squad the best of luck!



Cladding works

Safety improvements at school will take place soon. Please refer to the Operoo that was sent on Friday to families.



What a way to finish the week on Friday with Hot Chocolate and Cookies. Our P&F are amazing and the yummy goodness was much appreciated on a cold Friday afternoon. 



Parent Support Groups will be this week the 15th and 17th of June. We will be reviewing the adjustments and goals for the students in partnership with families. Families who have a PSG will not need to double up for a parent teacher meeting. 


Student Reports and Parent Teacher meetings:

Reports will be sent to you on Friday and meeting with teachers are timetabled for Wednesday of the final week of term. Cathy is  arranging these and hopefully we can find suitable times for everyone. 




School Readiness Session 

(for kinder parents) 9-10am 

Please let friends and family know that we will be running a 'School Readiness Session' here at school on Friday 17th June.

 🏫 Open Days 

We will continue to host Open Days in Term 2 - please encourage anyone you know to visit if they are looking for a great school next year.

They will be on Thursday mornings 19th May - 9th June between 9am - 11am, but personalised tours are available through the office any day of the week.

🦘 Junior Joeys

We are back!! 

We are inviting parents and pre-schoolers to visit St Joseph's on Thursday afternoons on the following dates between 2.30pm - 3.30pm: 

Please let friends and neighbours know if they are looking for a school for 2023.

It's an informal and fun way to visit St Joseph's and meet some staff and children. 



📆 Save the date:

Other dates:

School Closure dates (non student days)  : 
June 20th 2022 (Monday last week of Term 2)
October 28th (Friday before Melb Cup weekend)
Nov 1st (Melbourne Cup Day) 

🥋 Karate 

Check out the website for bookings if you are interested.



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