Round the classes 

Reception class : Katie 

Over the past two weeks the Reception class has been continuing to learn some of the digraphs and consolidate their knowledge of the single sounds. We have also started looking at the structure of recount stories. In maths we have been busy learning about measurement. We have learnt what perimeter is and have experimented measuring some things in the classroom. This week we have learnt what capacity is. 

As part of HASS we have been learning about celebrations. Last week we learnt about an Indonesian Kite Festival which is held in July. Finally as part of our Health and Social Skills lessons we have been learning about the Kimochi characters Bella Rose and Clover. 

Everyone loved the Reception assembly last week!
Everyone loved the Reception assembly last week!

Year 1/2 classes : Sam and Kelly

As we come to the end of a wonderful term of learning, Kelly and Sam would like to congratulate all Year 1/2 students for demonstrating a willingness to dive deep into the 'Learning Pit' and persevere to come out the other side by drawing on a range of taught strategies. When we are in the 'Learning Pit' we experience productive struggle in our learning; this helps our brains to grow and develop - this is a positive thing! So well done to every student for achieving growth and development across all areas of the curriculum this term.  




Free and Fun Activities to do in the School Holidays -


We hope you all have a safe and happy school holidays with your children. See you for a fun and exciting Term 3! 

Sam and Kelly 


Year 3/4 class: Henry

This week we have been lucky to share the classroom with a lovely group of Year 5 students while Sallie has taken the Year 6s away on camp. Our class has enjoyed having an older group of students to look up to and work with! Together we have enjoyed a couple of maths sessions in which we attempted to crack a maths mystery using problem- solving, as well as creating ‘rigged’ board games that favoured one of the players to demonstrate our understanding of chance and probability. 

In English, we have come to the end of our unit on informative writing, with each student choosing their own topics to research and write about. Students have written about different Star Wars' droids, a variety of animals, cities in Australia, Ancient Olympics and more! Having this variety in topic has led to some very interesting discussions between the students as they have learned more about their chosen topics.  

In geography, we have almost finished our maps showing all the man-made and natural landmarks found around the country. We have also been researching a single city to write a letter from to our friends discussing all the fun things you could do in that city. 



Year 3/4 class: Alex

In Maths students have been continuing their learning around fractions. They have been ordering the size of fractions, finding equivalents using a fraction wall and converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. Students have been investigating the meaning of the tenths and hundredths place value in decimal numbers. 

In English students have been developing their note-taking skills. They have been making connections to their learning in drama by researching and organising information about rats that they will be including in an information report. Students have enjoyed creating costumes such as rat ears and tails for their play of the Pied Piper this week. They have been fine-tuning their lines and practising their cues. Students’ focus has been on carrying out full dress rehearsals, slowing down when saying their lines and speaking clearly with a louder volume. They enjoyed performing their play for visitors from the kindergarten on Wednesday. During the last week of term our class has thoroughly enjoyed the company of our Year 5 visitors who have been working with us while the Year 6 students have been on camp. 


Indonesian :Ibu Susan

We have been busy finishing off lots of work in Indonesian lessons. The older students have completed their research comparing Australia to Indonesia and shared their learning. The younger students have been using prepositions of place with confidence as well as revising Indonesian colours and common nouns.