From the School Council President

Hello all,
Hope you all have been keeping warm and dry in this cold weather! Term 2 has been a bumper term across the school with a number of incursions and excursions; our first ever Year 12s sat our first ever Year 12 practice exams; a successful Open Day was held on the Primary Campus with many current and potential families attending; and our students participated in district cross country events.
School Council has met twice this term and for the first time in 12 months, in person, which has been fantastic. In these meetings we have:
- Endorsed that next Wednesday will be Winter Woollies Day across both campuses.
- Approved the expenditure of construction a new external fence along the Secondary Campus.
- Endorsed that the 19th and 20th of December will be pupil free days. All students will finish the school year on Friday 16 December.
- Discussed the installation of vape detectors in the bathrooms of the Secondary Campus.
- Reviewed several school policies including Digital Learning; Volunteers; and Inclusion & Diversity.
- Endorsed display boards to be installed on both campuses to display our values, Acknowledgement of Country and Child Safety, all a part of our boosting School Pride mission.
Issues that have also been on our radar include the quality of the school uniforms this year; potential amendments to the uniform policy; and the condition of the toilets on both campuses. Wheels are also in motion for an End of Year Awards Night for the whole school, and the Year 12 & Year 6 graduation nights later in the year.
It was also very remiss of me in my last report to not introduce our School Council reps for 2022. I am very pleased to belatedly introduce to you the following reps who will sit on Council this year:
Parent Reps: Josie Benfari, Amanda Farrelly, Helen Skendaris, Todd Sprague, Anna-Lisa Tewma, Briohny Voss and Grant Voss.
DET Reps: Marcus Abney-Hastings, Michelle Berry, Kerrie Heenan, Bill Panas and George Sarlos.
Student Reps: Angela R and Adele S.
If you have any issues or concerns that you would like added to our meeting agenda, please don’t hesitate in contacting one of the above reps or email me at
Wishing all of our families a wonderful break over the winter school holidays.
Amanda Farrelly
School Council President